
This is a repo that contains helpful utilities, getting started samples, and scripts for when working with Hyperledger Composer. Target audience here is for developers.

QUICK START - change to the quick-start directory, and use the to get a local setup going quickly. Use the script to, unsurprisingly cleanup. This quick start installs all Composer cli and dev playground locally in that directo

What do I need?

  • Clone this repo
  • If you don't want to install or have already node.js, docker etc. a quick way of getting a suitable VM setup for devleopmnet is using VirutalBox and Vagrant


  • components Sample code, runnable in their own right but most useful as a component pulled in to other apps
  • networks Some sample network definitions to use
  • scripts useful script references to get working, eg to Start farbic
  • quick-start The super quick start
  • test-area A good place to experiment with applications
  • configs Pre-established configurations JSON files
  • docker-containers Useful Docker files