
Creating a REST API using FastApi to generate secure passwords

Primary LanguagePython

REST API to generate a list of secure passwords

Technologies: python3, FastApi and Docker

FastApi is the main library that used in this code.For more details about FastApi visit this link:

Before you start make sure that you have install python3 and the library in the requirments file navigate to the src folder and run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the server start uvicorn in your terminal

uvicorn main:app --reload

API Endpoint:

You can then make requests to the api by specifying a url with parameters if need be.


  • min_length: minimum password length.
  • schars_num: number of special characters in the password.
  • numbers_num: number of numbers in the password.
  • count: number of passwords that must be created.

For example:

To see the API documentation: