web scraping for the coronavirus data

Resources used

Project Demo



You must install beautifusoup4 and Requests packages. Open CMD and run these commands

pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install requests

Run the project

The project is only 1 python script main.py and you will run it to extract the data from the website. Open CMD and run this command to run the script

python main.py

Script Output

Script generates covid19.csv file with 7 columns for all scraped coronavirus data. Each country is represented as a row whith these column values:

  • country's name
  • country's total cases
  • country's new cases
  • country's total death
  • country's new death
  • country's total recovered
  • country's population (useful for making some statistical analysis on the data)

And total coronavirus data:

  • total cases
  • total death
  • total recovered


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License.