Topology API

An API to access, manage and store device topologies.You can see a template for a topology from here


  1. suitable IDE for JAVA (e.g. Eclipse,IntelliJ)
  2. Gradle for building the library
  3. Junit4 for testing
  4. Gson for parsing the JSON file

API Features

  1. Read a topology from a given JSON file and store it in the memory.
  2. Write a given topology from the memory to a JSON file.
  3. Query about which topologies are currently in the memory.
  4. Delete a given topology from memory.
  5. Query about which devices are in a given topology.
  6. Query about which devices are connected to a given NetList node in a given topology.

Getting Started

  • Import topologyAPI package in your program, ex:
import TopologyAPI.*;

API Documentation

The API mainly consists of 3 classes as follows:

  • TopologyAPI Class: represents the interfacing class to access the API features.
  • JsonIO Class: Provides TopologyAPI with helper methods to manipulate JSON files.
  • DataBase Class: represents the storage layer for the API.

The UML Diagram for TopologyAPI and JsonIO

img img

TopologyAPI Documentation:

readJSON(String FilePath):

  • Description: read topology from the given JSON file.
  • Parameters:
    1. FilePath: the path of the given JSON file.
  • Return: void.

writeJSON(String TopologyId,String FilePath):

  • Description: writes the given topology in a JSON file.
  • Parameters:
    1. TopologyId: the ID of the topology that wanted to be written into disk as a JSON file.
    2. FilePath: the path of the file that the topology will be written into.
  • Return: void.


  • Description: gives the user a copy of the list of topologies currently stored in memory.
  • Parameters: void.
  • Return: ArrayList<Topology>.

queryDevices(String TopologyId):

  • Description: gives the user a copy of the list of the components of the given device.
  • Parameters:
    1. TopologyId: the ID of the topology to query its components.
  • Return: ArrayList<Device>.

queryDevicesWithNetListNode(String TopologyId,String NetListNodeID):

  • Description: gives the user a copy of the list of components that are connected to the given node.
  • Parameters:
    1. TopologyId: the ID of the topology.
    2. NetListNodeID: the given node to query components connected to it.
  • Return: ArrayList<Device>.

deleteTopology(String TopologyId):

  • Description: delete the given topology from the memory.
  • Parameters:
    1. TopologyId: the ID of the topology that will be deleted.
  • Return: void.

Classes Documentation

The topologies stored in memory is modeled with the following classes:

  • Topology Class: It models the topology as an ID and an array of devices, each element in this array is of type Device.
  • Device Class: It models the device as an ID, type, characteristics and NetList.

The UML Diagram of Topology and Device Class: img