
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CAPS - The Code Academy Parcel Service

Author: Amr Nzzal

User Stories


  • As a vendor, I want to alert the system when I have a package to be picked up
  • As a driver, I want to be notified when there is a package to be delivered
  • As a driver, I want to alert the system when I have picked up a package and it is in transit
  • As a driver, I want to alert the system when a package has been delivered
  • As a vendor, I want to be notified when my package has been delivered


  • As a developer, I want to use industry standards for managing the state of each package
  • As a developer, I want to create an event driven system so that I can write code that happens in response to events, in real time.

Technical Requirements as described in the lab

In order to switch from Node Events to Socket.io, the refactoring process will involve changes to each application to use the core features of Socket.io.

  • As a developer, I want to create network event driven system using Socket.io so that I can write code that responds to events originating from both servers and web applications

  • In order to switch from TCP to Socket.io, the refactoring process will involve changes to each application to use the core features of Socket.io

  • We’ll use one namespace called caps where all of our clients (vendors and drivers) will connect

  • As a developer, I want to create network event driven system using Socket.io so that I can write code that responds to events originating from both servers and web applications

  • In order to switch from TCP to Socket.io, the refactoring process will involve changes to each application to use the core features of Socket.io

  • We’ll use one namespace called caps where all of our clients (vendors and drivers) will connect

CAPS Application Server Modifications:

  • Create and accept connections on a namespace called caps
  • Monitor the correct general events: pickup, in-transit, delivered
  • Broadcast the events and payload back out to the appropriate clients in the caps namespace
    • Pickup can go out to all sockets (broadcast it) so that the drivers can hear it
    • In-transit and delivered are meant to be heard only by the right vendor

Vendor Application:

  • Connects to the CAPS server as a socket.io client to the caps namespace
  • Every .5 seconds, simulate a new customer order
  • Listen for the delivered event coming in from the CAPS server

Driver Application:

  • Connects to the CAPS server as a socket.io client to the caps namespace
  • Listen for the pickup event coming in from the CAPS server
  • Simulate picking up the package
  • Simulate delivering the package


  • Open 3 tabs and then run each socket from the root of the directory
    1. node caps.js
    2. node modules/vendor.js
    3. node modules/driver.js
