
JWT authentication system implemented in Golang using the Gin framework. It integrates MongoDB for data storage, Redis for caching, and Docker for containerization

Primary LanguageGo


This project is an organization-user JWT authentication system implemented in Golang using the Gin framework. It integrates MongoDB for data storage, Redis for caching, and Docker for containerization


Using Docker

  • adjust env variable in yaml file
  • Run docker-compose up

Without Docker

  • Clone this repo
  • Change directory to the cloned repo
  • Ensure you have go installed on your machine.
  • Run go mod download
  • Ensure you have mongodb installed on your machine OR you can create a cloud monog database.
  • Run go run main.go


  • LOGIN POST - User authentication with JWT.
  • SIGNUP POST - User registration functionality.
  • RefreshJWTToken POST - Refresh JWT token for prolonged sessions.
  • GetAllUsers GET - Retrieve all users (for Admin or testing purposes).
  • GetUserbyID GET - Retrieve user details by ID.
  • DeleteUserbyID DELETE - Delete user by ID.
  • UpdateUser PUT - Update user information.
  • GetAllOrganizations GET - Retrieve details of all organizations.
  • GetOrganizationbyID GET - Retrieve organization details by ID.
  • AddOrganization POST - Add a new organization.
  • InviteMemberIntoOrganization POST - Invite members with readonly access.
  • UpdateOrganization PUT - Update organization details (Full Access required).
  • DeleteOrganization DELETE - Delete organization by id (Full Access required).
  • TokenRefresh POST - Refresh authentication token.
  • Bearer Authorization - Secure API access using Bearer token.
  • JWT Authentication - JSON Web Token-based user authentication.

Project Structure

|-- pkg/
|   |-- controllers/
|   |   - Controllers manage the application's flow and business logic. They receive input from the handlers, process it using the models, and return results to be presented by the views.
|   |-- db/models/
|   |   - Represents the data layer of the application. It typically includes data models.
|   |-- db/repository/
|   |   - Contain operations for interacting with the MongoDB database or other data sources.
|   |-- utils/
|       - Contains utility functions or modules that can be used across different parts of the application. Utilities might include helper functions, generic components, or modules that provide common functionalities.
|-- Api/
|   |-- routes/
|   |   - Contains the definitions of routes and their corresponding handlers, responsible for routing incoming requests to the appropriate controllers.
|   |-- middlewares/
|   |   - Includes middleware components that can be executed before or after the request reaches the controller. Middlewares often handle tasks like authentication, logging, etc.
|   |-- handlers/
|       - This folder might contain modules or classes that handle specific types of requests. Handlers are often responsible for interacting with the request and response objects, processing data, and calling the appropriate controller methods.
|-- cmd/
|   - main.go: entry point of app
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
|-- Dockerfile : Instructions for building the application image.
|-- docker-compose.yaml: Configuration for Docker Compose.

Technologies Used

  • Golang
  • Gin (Web framework)
  • MongoDB (Database)
  • Redis (Caching)
  • Docker (Containerization)
  • docker-compose (Container orchestration)