
Automate JWT Exploit (CVE-2018-0114)

Primary LanguagePython


Tool Description :

I made this tool for learning purpose and automating jwt token hijacking without depending on using burpsuite the code is well documented and easy to follow Based on (CVE-2018-0114) The Vulnerabilty happend because in backend the server check jwk object embeded inside jwt header, it contain n and e which are 2 paramters used to form the public key

How to exploit :

1) An attacker generate new RSA KEY PAIRS,
2) Get n and e and inject them inside the jwk object in jwt headers
3) Change any values in jwt body section then sign it with his private key
4) The server uses the attacker public key to verify the signature .
5) i made a verify function to make sure the jwt is exploited successfulyy or not by trying to decode it using attacker public key (n and e)

How to run it :

1) overwrite value of variable "jwt_orginal at line 125" by the new vulnerable jwt
2) add any attributes you wanna change inside the dictionary object "dict_values at line 126"
3) Enjoy