
A powerful and user-friendly Flutter application for browsing and managing your favorite movies. Aflamy provides a seamless experience with native splash screens, intuitive navigation, and offline capabilities.

Video Demo

Check out the demo video below to see Aflamy in action:

Aflamy Demo


  • Native Splash Screen: A smooth native splash screen for a better user experience.
  • Movie Lists: Browse movies by categories such as upcoming, trending, now playing, and more.
  • Pagination: Efficiently load more movies as you scroll in upcoming and trending sections.
  • Animations: Enjoy a rich UI experience with shimmer loading effects and hero animations.
  • Offline Favorites: Add movies to your favorites list even when offline, with seamless synchronization across different lists using Hive DB.
  • Service Locator: Efficient dependency management with get_it.
  • Clean Architecture: Organized code following the clean architecture pattern for scalability and maintainability.


  • Browse Movies: Navigate through different categories like upcoming, trending, and more to explore movies.
  • Favorites: Long press on any movie to add it to your favorites list, even when offline. The movie will be marked as a favorite across all lists.
  • Search: Use the search bar to find movies by title, genre, or other criteria.