30 Days of DSA


Welcome to the 30 Days of DSA repository! This repository documents my 30-day journey of learning and practicing Data Structures and Algorithms. The purpose of this challenge is to enhance my problem-solving skills and deepen my understanding of core programming concepts.


Each day's progress is organized into individual folders labeled as Day_X, where X represents the day number of the challenge. In these folders, you will find my code implementations, explanations, and reflections on the various data structures and algorithms I've worked on.

Table of Contents

  • Day 1: Brief overview of what I accomplished on Day 1.
  • Day 2: Brief overview of what I accomplished on Day 2.
  • ...
  • Day 30: Summary of my achievements and thoughts on the final day.

About Me

I'm an enthusiastic programmer committed to expanding my skills Data Structure and Algorithms. This 30-day challenge is an integral part of my continuous growth as a developer.


  • Learn fundamental data structures including arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and hash tables.
  • Explore essential algorithms such as searching, sorting, recursion, dynamic programming, and more.
  • Solve coding problems from platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and Codeforces.
  • Develop proficiency in problem analysis, algorithm design, and writing clean, optimized code.

Progress Tracking

I'll be updating this repository daily with my code solutions, concept explanations, and any challenges I face during the challenge. Feel free to explore, provide feedback, and learn alongside me!

Get in Touch

You can connect with me on my portfolio website, where you can discover more about my projects and interests. Don't hesitate to reach out for questions, suggestions, or just to say hello!

Let's embrace the coding journey together!