
A SwiftUI application for listening to and playing previews of Spotify songs.

Primary LanguageSwift


A SwiftUI application for listening to and playing previews of Spotify songs.

Liked songs Song player Search for songs

Getting Started

  1. Ensure you have Xcode 15 or a higher version installed on your Mac.
  2. Download or clone SPreview to a directory on your Mac.
  3. Configure the app with your credentials and then run the current scheme.


  1. Create a Spotify developer account and get your Client ID and Secret Key.
  2. Encrypt the auth tokens using a PBKDF2 key using AES.
  3. Convert the encrypted tokens into their corresponding binary array and add them to SpotifyAuthController file.
  4. Launch the app on a simulator or a device running on iOS 17 or higher.
  5. Grant access to your Spotify account to be able to use the app
  6. Now you can start listening to your liked songs' preview or search for new songs.


  1. You need to have a premium Spotify account to create a developer account and to play songs seamlessly.
  2. Since the app was developed using the latest SwiftUI updates announced, the minimum deployment target is set to iOS 17.


SPreview has been implemented utilizing the MVC architecture.


  • Presentation folder includes all screens and views files.
  • MusicProvider folder includes the protocol and errors enum for providers.
  • Network folder includes models, API controllers and data parsers.
  • MusicPlayer folder includes the files responsible for managing audio playback within the app.
  • Utils folder includes security files, extensions, view modifiers, error handling components and constants.
  • Resource folder includes info.plist and app assets.


Cocoapods is used to manage dependencies in this app. The integrated dependencies include:

  • Alamofire
  • SDWebImageSwiftUI