Example Unleash React Native App

To try it out open 2 terminals, and start the expo app and proxy server

Start Expo app

cd app
yarn install
yarn start

Start Proxy Server

cd proxy
yarn install
yarn start

Try App Over Web

You can preview the app by typing w in the expo terminal to see the web instance. You can edit the demoApp.step1 in the demo site

Try App Over Phone

You can scan the QR code using the expo app. You will need to expose your localhost over the internet. I recommend ngrok.

ngrok http 3000

Then change the url in App.tsx

Trying with your own unleash instance

  1. run docker compose up -d
  2. go to https://localhost:4242
  3. login with default user
user       admin
password   unleash4all
  1. Create a Feature flag
  2. Create an API key
  3. update you docker-compose.yml UNLEASH_API_TOKEN with your token