
The Sparks Foundation - Exploratory Data Analysis - Super Store Profit Analysis

Retail Analysis - Exploratory Data Analysis

This is task 3 in the sparks foundation Data Analysis Intern

Table of Contents


This is Super Store dataset for the last orders.

As a business manager, try to find out the weak areas where you can work to make more profit so What all business problems you can derive by exploring the data?


Dataset: SampleSuperStore.csv

  • Order
    • Ship Mode (Standard Class - First class - Second Class - Same Day)
    • Segment (Consumer - Corporate - Home Office)
    • Country
    • City
    • State
    • Postal Code
    • Region
    • Category
    • Sub-Category
    • Sales
    • Discount
    • Profit


  • Microsoft PowerPoint (Dashboard Background)
  • Microsoft Power BI (Dashboard)


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