
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Technologies Used

  • Reactjs client and Nodejs server with Apollo-GraphQL API for data exchange
  • Sequelize ORM connected to a SQLite database
  • Bootstrap for UI components
  • Jest for testing

Running the project

  • start two shells in the main folder (Konf)
  • cd server then npm install then npm start
  • cd client then npm install then npm start
  • go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Running Tests

  • cd server then npm test tests are written in server/src/test.js

Areas to improve

  • Add validations for form inputs
  • Reformat and resize uploaded photos for less space consumption and more consistant app display
  • If user uploaded multiple photos sequentially, only keep last one
  • Display feedback messages and improve user experience
  • Write more tests on both client and server