Surveys and Questions API

This is an API that enable users to GET data about surveys from a database or POST new surveys.

Running the app:

  1. Clone the repository locally.
  2. Download dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Create a local relational database using the DB interactive shell (I use PostgreSQL).
  4. Modify credentials and/or database URI in
  5. Setup the database: python
  6. Run the application: python


Anyone can GET data from /survey but only registered users can POST new surveys.

  • registration:
    POST a JSON containing username and password to /register.
    example: curl -X POST '' -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{"username":"Amr", "password":"123"}'

  • getting a token:
    use your credentials to GET an authorization token from /token.
    example: curl -u "Amr":"123" ''.
    tokens expire in 15 minutes. get a new token when yours expire.

  • creating new surveys:
    use your token to POST a new survey to /survey.
    example: curl -u "<token>":"blank" '' -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{"name":"My Survey", "start_date":"13/10/2019 04:00", "questions":[{"question":{"body":"Do you like my API?"}}]}'

Note: errors in you requests are handeled and you will get JSON feedback with the errors if any or success in case of no errors.