This application was built as my "Breakable Toy" final project during my time as an apprentice with Launch Academy. It started with the idea to allow roommates/apartment-mates/housemates to schedule and assign chores and receive notification when they have been assigned a chore. This is an application in progress and still requires future features to be completed.
Technologies used: -Ruby on Rails -React -PostgreSQL -ActiveRecord -Bootstrap & css
View Demo:
Features: Users can sign in and create chores and assign chores to themselves or their roommates. They can indicate which tasks they have "completed" or not "yet completed". When the chore is assigned to a user- that user will get a text message informing them of the chore they have been assigned and by when it should be completed (In order to view this feature on the demo site, users must sign up with their phone number- database is manually dropped every 24 hours to clear it, phone numbers in the demo site will not be logged.)
Pending features(to be pushed on Git)- model and feature tests
Upcoming features will include setting users to a household model, invitation via email to roommates to join specific household, calendar view with print functionality.