
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Ruby wrapper for the Lob.com API. This gem gives you an ActiveRecord-style syntax to use the Lob.com API.

Supports Ruby 1.9.3 and greater.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lob'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lob


The library uses an ActiveRecord-style interface. You'll feel right at home. You'll need a Lob.com API key. It's free and you can get yours here.

For optional parameters and other details, refer the docs here - https://lob.com/docs

Caution: Pass zero-prefixed zip codes as strings

When using zip codes with zero-prefixes, always quote them. For example when specifying 02125, pass it as a string "02125", instead of an integer.

The Ruby interpreter assumes it's not of base-10 and tries to convert it to base-10 number. So that might result in an entirely different zip-code than intended.

Initialization and configuration

# To initialize a Lob object
@lob = Lob(api_key: "your-api-key")

# Alternatively, to set the API key for all calls in the future
Lob.api_key = "you-api-key"
@lob = Lob()   # don't forget the paranthesis!

Or if you want some detailed configuration

Lob.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = "your-api-key"  # get your own at http://lob.com :)
  config.api_version = "v1"        # default version
  config.protocol = "https"        # default protocol
  config.api_host = "api.lob.com"  # ofcourse it's Lob


To create an address

# name, address, city, state, country and zip are required parameters
  name: "John Doe",
  address_line1: "104, Printing Boulevard",
  city: "Boston",
  state: "MA",
  country: "US"
  zip: 12345

# You can also pass address_line2
  name: "John Doe",
  email: "test@test.com",  # see you can also pass other optional parameters?
  address_line1: "104, Printing Boulevard",
  address_line2: "Sunset Town",
  city: "Boston",
  state: "MA",
  country: "US"
  zip: 12345

List addresses

# returns an array of addresses

#you can also pass count and offset
@lob.addresses.list(count: 10, offset: 3)

Find a specific address

# returns the address with the corresponding ID

Deletes a specific address

# deletes the address with the corresponding ID

Address verification

# verifies and returns an address with more details
      address_line1: "220 WILLIAM T MORRISSEY BLVD",
      city:    "Boston",
      state:   "MA",
      zip:     "02125"


Create jobs

# name, to-address and object are the arguments
# to-address can be specified as an address-id
@lob.jobs.create("New Cool Posters", "from-address-id", "to-address-id", "object-id")

# to-address can also be specified as address params to create new address
  "New Cool Posters",
  {name: "FromAddress", address_line1: "120, 6th Ave", city: "Boston", country: "USA", zip: 12345},
  {name: "ToAddress", address_line1: "120, 6th Ave", city: "Boston", country: "USA", zip: 12345},

# You can also pass new object params for the object
# and other options like packaging_id an setting_id
  "New Cool Posters",
    name: "Your fantistic object",
    file: "http://test.com/file.pdf",
    setting_id: "some-setting-id"

# Or add a job with multiple objects

  "New Cool Posters",
  {name: "ToAddress", address_line1: "120, 6th Ave", city: "Boston", country: "USA", zip: 12345},
  ["object-id", "another-object-id"]

List jobs

# returns an array of jobs

#you can also pass count and offset
@lob.jobs.list(count: 10, offset: 3)

Find a specific job

# returns the job with the corresponding ID


Create objects

# You can create by passing the name, file url and setting ID
  "Your fantistic object",

# You can also pass the quantity as an option
# Or pass a file for upload instead of a url
  "Your fantistic object",
  quantity: 12

List objects

# returns an array of objects

#you can also pass count and offset
@lob.objects.list(count: 10, offset: 3)

Find a specific object

# returns the object with the corresponding ID

Delete a specific object

# deletes the object with the corresponding ID


List packagings

# returns a list of packagings


Creating post cards

You'll have to specify either the message option or the back option.

# accepts the name, address-id to send to and options
  "John Joe",
  message: front: File.read("/path/to/file.pdf")

# create using address params, front, back and from address
  "John Joe",
  {name: "ToAddress", address_line1: "120, 6th Ave", city: "Boston", country: "USA", zip: 12345},
  message: "Hey buddy. Waiting to hear your stories",
  front: "http://test.com/file.pdf",
  back: File.read("/path/to/file.pdf"),
  from: {name: "FromAddress", address_line1: "120, 6th Ave", city: "Boston", country: "USA", zip: 12345},

List postcards


#you can also pass count and offset
@lob.postcards.list(count: 10, offset: 3)

Find a postcard

@lob.postcards.find "post-card-id"


List services

# returns a list of services

Bank accounts

List bank accounts

# returns a list of accounts

Add a bank account

bank_address = {name: "ToAddress", address_line1: "120, 6th Ave", city: "Boston", country: "USA", zip: 12345}
account_address = {name: "ToAddress", address_line1: "120, 6th Ave", city: "Boston", country: "USA", zip: 12345}

# Pass address params or address IDs
# The 5th argument is the options argument and is optional
@lob.bank_accounts.create("routing_number", bank_address, "account_number", account_address)

Find a bank account

@lob.bank_accounts.find "bank-account-id"


Create a check

# Transfer $5000 to a bank account.
@lob.checks.create("bank-account-id", "to-address-ID", 5000)

# For the "to" address, you can pass params or an address ID
# You can also specify an optional 4th argument, with other options.

List checks


Find a check


Supported countries

List supported countries

# returns a list of countries


Make sure you have Ruby 2.0 installed. Copy and paste the following commands in your projects directory.

git clone https://github.com/lob/lob-ruby.git
cd lob
bundle install

You are powered up and ready to roll ~!

Running the test-suite

To run the tests, download the required sample files by running the following command:

bundle exec rake dev:setup

Tests are written using MiniTest, a testing library that comes with Ruby stdlib. The remote responses are tested using vcr.

You'll need to pass in your Lob.com API as the environment variable LOB_API_KEY, to run the tests. Be sure to use your Test API key, and not the Live one.

Here's how you can run the tests:

LOB_API_KEY=your_test_api_key bundle exec rake test


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Make sure the tests pass and add tests if required
  6. Create new Pull Request


Copyright © 2013 Lob.com

Released under the MIT License, which can be found in the repository in LICENSE.txt.