
A fast responsive webapp that allows you to report injured stray animals to the nearest NGOs.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


"Pause To Save Paws"


About the project:

Tech Stack:

Inspiration for the Project:

Our project, Paws, is driven by a deep concern for animal welfare. Witnessing the challenges faced by animals worldwide, we were inspired to create a platform that enables users to report injured animals and connect them with the necessary assistance. Through Paws, we aim to raise awareness, foster compassion, and make a positive impact in the lives of animals in need.

Paws was developed during the Smart Bengal Hackathon 2024 and proudly emerged as one of the finalist apps. This recognition further fuels our commitment to advancing animal welfare and leveraging technology for social good.


📸 Watch the video on YouTube

Features of Paws at a Glance

Function Feature Image
Reporting an Animal Allows user to report an animal, then the report of the animal is automatically sent to the nearest NGO/Animal hospital based on your location image
AI Based Animal and Injury Classification Automatically detect type of animal,number of animals, and external injury based on user uploaded image image
Campaigns Participate in NGO created campaigns as a volunteer/donor image
Support Paws Allows users to donate to Paws to make our app Better image
Statistics for NGOS Allows NGOS to view various statistics related to stray animals image

Planned features:

  • Adoption Page
  • Lost and Found
  • Community Forum
  • feedback message of the report
  • Native Mobile App

Are you an NGO?

Please Contact us at : email

Contributing 👨‍💻


Project Maintainers ✨

Shreya Shaw
Arnab Mondal
Rishi Paul

License 🛡️

Paws is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE file for details.


If you like our work, please star the repository.
