
stupid easy home-baked applescripts


stupid easy home-baked applescripts

what is this

  • i like to use applescripts, they're fun and make my life easy.
  • this is a repo of a few of my frequently invoked scripts

how to use

  • you can execute applescripts by keeping just executing the file, invoking them from spotlight, or, my personal favorite, using a quicklauncher. quicklaunchers (my personal favorite is Alfred app) let you supply arguments to your script (required for my window-resizer) and facilitate speedy script execution.

the scripts

  • library-launcher - opens all the apps I use at the library. I usually run this as I'm getting oriented in my workspace so everything is ready to work when I am. good example of how to open applications.
  • open-url-ez - self-explanatory. you can change the browser to the one of your choice.
  • study - i like playing binaural beats while i read sometimes, but don't want to open up a heavy application like spotify or itunes when quicktime player will do. study opens up a hard-coded music file (not provided) in quicktime and hides the window, for maximum unobstrusiveness.
  • window-resizer - my most complex (and downloaded!) script. requires an argument. pass in 't','r','l','b', or no argument to stretch the window to fill the top half, right half, left half, bottom half, or full screen size. Does not work with Preview. With multiple displays, typically resizes to primary display dimensions (not both screens).