
Explore a Nest.js microservices app with auth, billing, and orders. Utilizes RabbitMQ for async communication and Docker for easy deployment. Modular, scalable, and efficient.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

# Nest.js Microservices Application with RabbitMQ and Docker

## Description

This project showcases a microservices architecture implemented using Nest.js, with three services: authentication (auth), billing, and orders. The application employs RabbitMQ for asynchronous communication and is containerized using Docker for easy deployment.

## Installation

To set up the application, run the following command:

$ npm install

Running the Application

The application can be run using Docker with the following command:

# Development
$ docker-compose up --build -V

Alternatively, you can run each service individually:

# Development
$ npm run start:dev

Project Structure

The project follows a modular structure:

  • src/auth: Contains controllers, services, DTOs, and other related modules for authentication and authorization.
  • src/billing: Holds controllers, services, DTOs, etc., for the billing service.
  • src/orders: Contains modules for handling orders, including controllers, services, DTOs, etc.
  • src/main.ts: The entry point for the application.

Design Patterns

The application employs a microservices architecture, promoting loose coupling and independent development of services. Each service has its own set of controllers, services, and DTOs for handling specific tasks.

Logic and Interaction

  • Authentication Service (auth): Manages user authentication and authorization using JWT tokens.

  • Billing Service: Logs order creation events using asynchronous communication with the Orders Service through RabbitMQ.

  • Orders Service: Allows creating and listing orders. Publishes order creation events to RabbitMQ for the Billing Service.

Optimization and Validation

  • Validation: Data validation is performed using Nest.js's built-in validation features and Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) for input validation and transformation.

  • Optimization: The application employs caching, indexing, and asynchronous processing using RabbitMQ for enhanced performance and responsiveness.

Docker and Microservices

Docker is utilized to containerize the microservices, ensuring consistent and isolated environments. The docker-compose.yml file defines service configurations and dependencies.

Communication with RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is employed for asynchronous communication between services. The Orders Service publishes order creation events to a RabbitMQ queue, which the Billing Service consumes, achieving decoupled communication.

This microservices application, built using Nest.js, RabbitMQ, and Docker, demonstrates a modular, scalable, and maintainable architecture that promotes efficient communication and independent development of services.