Sentiment analysis on Twitter data has attracted much attention recently. This program is a simple implementation of a sentiment classifier for a tweet.
Based on the sentiwordnet corpus, the classifier can distinguish if a tweet is Positive, Negative, or Objective.
- To see answers to the TP :
- To see the results of the classification using the first version of the algorithm :
- To see the results of the classification using the second version of the algorithm :
- To see the results of the classification using the third version of the algorithm :
- To see the results of the classification using the third version of the algorithm :
You need the following libs :
- sklearn
- nltk
- numpy
The processing pipeline for every tweet is the following :
- Tweet preprocessing : removal of twitter-specific characters ( mentions : @, hashtags : #, retweets : RT)
- POS tagging : assign every word to its POS tag (Part Of Speech Tag)
- SentiSynset : For words such as adjective, words, nouns, and adverb, find the first sentisynset in the sentiwordnet corpus
- Assign a score for the tweet by aggregating every individual score from the sentisynsets
- Classify the tweet
- Tweet preprocessing : removal of twitter-specific characters ( mentions : @, hashtags : #, retweets : RT)
- POS tagging : assign every word to its POS tag (Part Of Speech Tag)
- SentiSynset : For words such as adjective, words, nouns, and adverb, find the first sentisynset in the sentiwordnet corpus
- Assign a score for the tweet by aggregating every individual score from the sentisynsets
- Modify the score to take care of negations and modifiers
- Classify the tweet
- Tweet preprocessing : removal of twitter-specific characters ( mentions : @, hashtags : #, retweets : RT)
- POS tagging : assign every word to its POS tag (Part Of Speech Tag)
- SentiSynset : For words such as adjective, words, nouns, and adverb, find the first sentisynset in the sentiwordnet corpus
- Assign a score for the tweet by aggregating every individual score from the sentisynsets
- Modify the score to take care of negations and modifiers
- Increase the positive or negative score by taking care of emojis
- Classify the tweet