CS5242 Assignment

CS5242 Neural Networks and Deep Learning assignments for AY2019/20 Sem 2 at NUS.


To view main.ipynb, run this command and select the file.

jupyter lab
# OR
jupyter notebook

Marking scheme

  • 3 marks each for:
    1. RMSprop update function
    2. conv forward function
    3. pool forward function
    4. dropout forward and backward function
    5. gru forward and backward function
    6. BiRNN forward function
    7. tuning your best Fashion_MNISTNet (in main.ipynb)
    8. tuning your best SentimentNet (in main.ipynb)
  • 1 marks for your submission format


  • Python version:
    • python3
  • Python packages:
    • wget
    • tensorflow 1.14.0 (pip install tensorflow==1.14.0)
    • keras
    • matplotlib
    • numpy
    • jupyter
    • pandas
    • nltk