
POS (part of speech) bigram tagger based on the Hidden Markov model, using the Viterbi algorithm

Primary LanguagePython

HMM POS Bigram Tagger

Running the program


python buildtagger.py <train_file_absolute_path> <model_file_absolute_path>

# Example:
python buildtagger.py sents.train model-file


python runtagger.py <test_file_absolute_path> <model_file_absolute_path> <output_file_absolute_path>

# Example:
python runtagger.py sents.test model-file sents.out


python eval.py <output_file_absolute_path> <reference_file_absolute_path>

# Example:
python eval.py sents.out sents.answer

Penn Treebank Tagset

The list of POS tags can be seen here.


Results of the POS tagger after training on sents.train.

Test case Accuracy
sents.test 0.95669
2.test 0.87171
2a.test 0.86102
2b.test 0.85309
3.test 0.83947
4.test 0.94730
5.test 0.95091