Project Challenges!

Here are the required responsibilities:

  • React - Legacy (Class Components, Lifecycle methods, State Management, etc),
  • At least one React Styling Library (Radium, Material UI, Styled Components, Ant Design),
  • Data persistence utilizing PostgreSQL and a NodeJS ORM library (Sequelize),
  • Use DB Associations,
  • Create full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for at least two items in an original application, separate from auth (users),
  • Deployment through Heroku,
  • Other MVP components exclusive to your project,
  • User registration and authentication (REST-ful API)
  • Ordering of items by priority (if it fits the theme),
  • Admin Portal,
  • Use React Class Components, Routing, Guards,
  • Strong Typing with TypeScript(TypeScript must be used in every client side file),
  • Create and style a README markdown file (,


Welcome to Artsee! shopping website. You can login as a "Buyer", "Seller" or "Admin" The page functionalities change depending on your user role.

  • As a buyer, you can browse through all the listed items. You can also search through them because we know it can get difficult to search for a specific item in a sea of them. You can also sort the items because we also know sort prices on ascending is the right wat to shop for anything. Once you select what what item you want, choose the quantity from the dropdown provided(the dropdown is based on the available inventory) and add it to the cart. All your items will be added to the cart without taking you away from the current page, so you can shop for all the things you want ;peacefully. After you have all the desired items, got to your cart to review the items, their quantities, their subtotal and main total.

  • As a seller you can add the items you wish to sell. You can also edit and delete them if need be.

-As an admin, you can go through everyone's user details and grant admin rights to any user you wish to. Admin can also go through a list of categories and add, edit and delete them.

You can have a quick look at the website which is deployed on Heroku by clicking

Planning links and References: