Rust Balanced Brackets

A simple application used to experiment with the Rust Programming Language using the Balanced Brackets interview question.

The application will load 2 files, one fill is a list of brackets and the other is a check file that states is the brackets are balanced or not with a YES or NO. The input file has a count on the top, which is skipped.

Balanced Brackets Instructions

Given a string containing brackets [], braces {}, parentheses (), or any combination thereof, verify that any and all pairs are matched and nested correctly.

For example,

  • [[ would be False is the brackets are not balanced
  • {} would be True is the brackets are balanced


rust_balanced_brackets 0.1.0
Simple program to check if an input file of brackets are balanced

    rust_balanced_brackets --input <INPUT> --check <CHECK>

    -c, --check <CHECK>    Path to check file
    -h, --help             Print help information
    -i, --input <INPUT>    Path to input file
    -V, --version          Print version information