
Simple dialer is a system for automatic dialing of subscribers using an asterisk.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is alfa version.Simple dialer is a system for automatic dialing of subscribers using an asterisk.

  • Used only by AMI
  • Simple configuration
  • Progressive mode
  • Autoinforming mode

In future releases

  • Predictive mode
  • Webphone
  • Realtime statistics and more

Software requirements


  • Asterisk 16.X

Databases that can be used:

  • Postegresql 12.X
  • MariaDB 10.3.X



  • Create tables in database
  • Configure asterisk and dialer configuration files
  • Create cases for calling
  • Send Get query for start

Dialer management

  • A get request is used to control the dialer
  • Parameters used: action and projectid where action can be start or stop


Configuration files

Param name Param description Type Example
Ip Asterisk ip address String
Port Asterisk ami port String 5038
Timeout Connection timeout Integer 10
Username AMI username String User
Password AMI username password String 123qwe
Param name Param description Type Example
Driver Driver for connect DB String pgx or mysql
Port DB port Integer 5432
DB_Server DB ip address String
DB_Name DB name String Asterisk
Scheme Scheme name String nc
Username Username with full rights for the scheme String nc_username
Password Username password String 111222
Conn_Max_Lifetime Maximum amount of time a connection may be reused Integer 5
Max_Open_Conns Maximum number of open connections to the database Integer 100
Max_Idle_Conns Maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool Integer 10
Param name Param description Type Example
loglevel Set loglevel. 1-ERROR.2-ERROR,INFO.3-ERROR,INFO,DEBUG Integer 1
Param name Param description Type Example
Ip Server ip address where you want to start dialer service String
Port Port of dialer service String 8080


Create dialer tables

  • For Postgresql
  CREATE TABLE <Scheme>.dialer_clients (
	case_name varchar NOT NULL,
	project_id varchar NOT NULL,
	phone_number varchar NOT NULL,
	priority int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
	utc varchar NULL,
	used bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
	call_back bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
	allowed_start varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00:00'::character varying,
	allowed_stop varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00:00'::character varying,
	checked bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
	call_back_period varchar NULL,
	deferred_time timestamp NULL,
	deferred_done bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
	created timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
	id serial NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE <Scheme>.dialer_params (
	project_id varchar NULL,
	lines int8 NULL,
	dial_time int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 20,
	case_limit int8 NULL,
	sort varchar NULL,
	id bigserial NOT NULL,
	"type" varchar NULL,
	exten varchar NULL,
	context varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default'::character varying
CREATE TABLE <Scheme>.dialer_stat (
	id int4 NOT NULL,
	case_name varchar NULL,
	project_id varchar NULL,
	phone_number varchar NULL,
	dial_count int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
	ended timestamp NULL,
	state varchar NULL
  • For Mariadb
CREATE TABLE `<Scheme>.dialer_clients` (
  `case_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `project_id` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `phone_number` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `priority` int(11) DEFAULT 1,
  `utc` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `used` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `call_back` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
  `allowed_start` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00:00',
  `allowed_stop` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00:00',
  `checked` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `deferred_done` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `call_back_period` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `deferred_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
CREATE TABLE `<Scheme>.dialer_params` (
  `project_id` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL,
  `lines` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `dial_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 20000,
  `case_limit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 500,
  `sort` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '2:1',
  `type` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'progressive',
  `exten` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL,
  `context` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_estonian_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
CREATE TABLE `<Scheme>.dialer_stat` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `case_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `project_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `phone_number` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `dial_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `ended` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `state` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL

Сolumn description

Column name Column description
case_name Case name.Сan be anything
project_id Unique project ID
phone_number Subscriber's phone number
priority Priority of the case. 1-maximum priority. The higher the priority, the sooner the case will call
utc Subscriber's utc. By default, the time from the server is taken
used System field.If it is set true, then the case is called
call_back Allow call back case
allowed_start Beginning of the allowed call time of the case
allowed_stop End of the allowed time for the case call
checked System field
call_back_period Call back period in minutes. Example: 1,1.There will be two dialing attempts with an interval of one minute.
deferred_time System field
deferred_done Is the callback of the deferred case completed
created Case creation time
id System field
Column name Column description
project_id Unique project ID
lines Maximum number of lines for simultaneous calls
dial_time Call time to subscriber.in milliseconds
case_limit The number of cases taken for dialing in memory
sort Sorting cases. Consists of two parameters: the first parameter: 1-priority, 2-date of creation, 3-UTC.The second parameter: 1-DESC, 2-ASC. Example: 2:1
type Dialer mode. progressive or autoinforming.Example: progressive
exten Project (exten) Number in extensions.conf
context Context in extensions.conf
Column name Column description
id System field.Unique
case_name Case name.Сan be anything
project_id Unique project ID
phone_number Subscriber's phone number
dial_count Number of calls already made
ended Time of the end of the case call
state Call status

Add dialer cases and params(Example)

INSERT INTO nc.dialer_clients (case_name, project_id, phone_number, priority, utc,recall, allowed_start, allowed_stop, recall_period) VALUES('Name', 'test', '1111', 1 , '+03.00h',true, '10:00:00', '18:00:00','1,1' );

INSERT INTO nc.dialer_params (project_id, lines, call_time, case_limit, type, exten, context) VALUES('test', 0, 20000, 500, 'progressive', '2222', 'default');