
Collaborative online jukebox

Primary LanguagePHP


A social jukebox built with PHP on the Rdio API.


  1. Download the code to your own PHP hosting environment.
  2. Copy configuration-dist.php to configuration.php
  3. Create your own Rdio API keys and plug the Client ID and Client Secret values into the first lines of your configuration.php script
  4. Put your Rdio user key in the $rdio_collection_userkey variable. This can be found by using the Rdio API console to query your Rdio username
  5. Set up your MySQL database and add the login credentials to the $db_host, $db_username, $db_password, and $db_database variables.
  6. Import the database structure found in the database/structure.sql file
  7. Run the script found in script/searchindex.php to populate the database with the music in your Rdio collection
  8. Set up a cron job to run script/searchindex.php daily (to keep your collection up-to-date) and to run script/monitor.php every two minutes (to add newly requested tracks to the queue and add new random tracks)