
Ansible linux_ad_auth role.

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ansible linux_ad_auth role

This is an Ansible role which setups system authentication to use Windows Active Directory.

Role Variables

A list of all the default variables for this role is available in defaults/main.yml.

Example Playbook

- name: Sample of sssd role  
  hosts: the-acme-host-for-testing
    - include_role:
        name: amtega.linux_ad_auth
        linux_ad_auth_domain: acme.com
        linux_ad_auth_host_netbios_name: tah-for-testing
          - linux-administrator
        linux_ad_auth_host_ou: >-
        linux_ad_auth_user: admin
        linux_ad_auth_password: password
        linux_ad_auth_state: present


Tests are based on molecule with vagrant virtual machines.

To run the the tests you need and inventory with the following set of variables:

  • linux_ad_auth_tests_domain: windows domain
  • linux_ad_auth_tests_host_netbios_name: netbios name to use for the host
  • linux_ad_auth_tests_sssd_simple_allow_groups: windows group you want to allow to autenticate on the host
  • linux_ad_auth_tests_host_ou: OU where to put the computer object within active directory
  • linux_ad_auth_tests_user: windows user to connect
  • linux_ad_auth_tests_password: password for the previous user
  • linux_ad_auth_tests_intermediate: windows host fullfilling the ansible requirements documented in https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/windows_setup.html. Also, you must define in the inventory for this host the neccessary variables to connect.

Additionally, to run test you must setup the following environment variables:

  • LINUX_AD_AUTH_TESTS_HOST: host to use to test the role.
  • LINUX_AD_AUTH_TESTS_HOST_NETBIOS_NAME: netbios name to use for the host
  • ANSIBLE_INVENTORY: path to the inventory
  • ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE: path to the file containing the vault password required for the previous inventory
cd amtega.linux_ad_auth

LINUX_AD_AUTH_TESTS_HOST=mytestinghost LINUX_AD_AUTH_TESTS_HOST_NETBIOS_NAME=mynetbiosname ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=~/myinventory ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/myvaultpassword molecule test --all


Copyright (C) 2022 AMTEGA - Xunta de Galicia

This role is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of:

GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your option) any later version; or the European Union Public License, either Version 1.2 or – as soon they will be approved by the European Commission ­subsequent versions of the EUPL.

This role is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details or European Union Public License for more details.

Author Information

  • Daniel Sánchez Fábregas.
  • Juan Antonio Valiño García.
  • José Enrique Mourón Regueira.
  • PowerShell script based on Brian Scholer (@briantist) work.