
Photo Mosaic in Python

Primary LanguagePython


103703010 傅信穎 103703015 蔡雨芝


  1. create a directory named img in the dataset directory. Then put dataset files in the directory. ( ./dataset/img/)
  2. Offline data (./dataset/*.csv) must be generated first. (You can generate it by the command python Closet_Data_Generator.py) ( If the offline data had been generated, our system will ask if you'd like to overwrite it.)
  3. Check if the above data were generated before preprocessing with HW4_main_103703010_103703015.py (You can open the GUI by the command python HW4_main_103703010_103703015.py)


Images of mosaic dataset are located at "./dataset/img/" Offline data are located at "./dataset/"