
An Augumented Reality artwork that let everyone be the main character on the adboard.

Primary LanguageC#


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  • An Augumented Reality Artwork made by Amanda Tsai from Tainan, Taiwan.
  • This work will be exhibited in 2018 Nuit Blanche Taipei.
  • 「我拍的不只是一個廣告看板,我正在製作屬於我自己的廣告。」
  • " I'm not only taking a photo of the adboard but making an advertisement of myself. "
  • 每個人不論性別、職業、身份等條件,都能成為繁華街頭的廣告主角,因此以「I’m the best」為核心理念,讓每個App使用者能夠利用相機鏡頭掃描到特定之廣告看板時,利用 AR(擴增實境)技術,結合使用者的手機前鏡頭,讓使用者的實時樣貌出現在廣告上,成為廣告主角。
  • As the title "I’m the best", everyone can be the main character on the adboard (with Unity & AR - Vuforia).
  • 使用者至指定地點掃描到特定廣告看板後,App將使用者的實時人像與廣告看板進行合成,製作出屬於使用者的廣告看板(在手機螢幕上顯示)。
  • Through this work(can be built as an application), you can interact with the advertising boards on Zhongshan N. Rd. in Taipei City with your smartphone.
  • Feel free to tell if you have any advices or feedback :)