Notebooks and code for the book "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python"
Jupyter Notebook
- 4
- 3
Error on preamble import
#136 opened by Iouri31 - 8
Mglearn : Memory(cachedir="cache")
#162 opened by Matthieu0202 - 6
mglearn/load_boston issue
#183 opened by epakhomov - 3
- 3
ImportError: `load_boston` has been removed from scikit-learn since version 1.2.
#171 opened by matmuttt - 1
- 0
Ml - введение в машинное обучение
#181 opened by Maksim-Sheyngalts - 6
Figure 2.38 - UserWarning: No data for colormapping provided via 'c'. Parameters 'cmap' will be ignored
#168 opened by Jcolinese - 2
- 2
- 1
#174 opened by HossamAlHelaly - 3
Problem with Boston Housing Data
#163 opened by sdempwolf - 2
- 8
I was trying to import make_forge from mglearn, it threw Import error about load buston. How does load Boston relate with make_forge?
#176 opened by Mentoni - 4
get_feature_names() -> get_feature_names_out()
#178 opened by yernero - 0
- 0
New spaCy version requires
#179 opened by yernero - 4
mglearn error
#175 opened by sebgok - 2
- 1
- 1
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- 3
Tokenizer attribute .tokens_from_list deprecated
#152 opened by fishcakebaker - 6
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Bug in plot_cross_val_selection method
#161 opened by karitonov - 0
- 2
- 1
AttributeError: module 'mglearn.plots' has no attribute 'plot_2d_seperator'
#153 opened by VivanVatsa - 2
"conda install spacy" resulting in: Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
#146 opened by Jonnashell - 2
unable to open 02-supervised-learning.ipynb
#151 opened by Richard-Bian - 2
no attribute
#148 opened by mohil-ajudiya - 1
- 1
images/03-face_decomposition.png missing from repo
#147 opened by Zabamund - 1
#145 opened by 1197730656 - 1
Introduction to ML with Python
#144 opened by kay1197 - 1
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Machine learning
#142 opened by mgboh-freddie - 1
load_extendend_boston not found
#137 opened by mhammaad - 11
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about precision-recall curve
#139 opened by jingxigui - 1
Premable Issue
#138 opened by amandugar - 2
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prerequisites for the workshop
#132 opened by mansohal - 6
can't install mglearn
#131 opened by redleafnew - 4
While importing mglearn message appears "cannot import name 'imread' from 'scipy.misc'"
#134 opened by aeugene1977 - 3
- 1
Cant find mglearn
#130 opened by Ikhan24 - 3
Problem with invoking mglearn
#128 opened by YellO-Cat - 1