An example set of streaming projects conforming to both the Lambda and Kappa architecture patterns. Generally used as a template for demos or implementations. Right now this is a work in progress.
To use simply clone the repo and follow the directions below:
- Install HDP with Storm OR use the Hortonworks Sandbox found here:
- Install the latest Kafka release compiled with Scala 2.10
- Generate your own Twitter API keys, the free ones will do. Here:
- Modify the CDRStormContext properties to reflect your own environment. The defaults work if you run everything on one sandbox
- Start up all services in HDP as well as Kafka
- Create your Kafka topics as in the misc_commands.txt
- Deploy the compiled uber jar as a topology
- Execute the CDRTestDataProducer (this will drive load into Kafka and eventually Storm) from the uber jar
Note: The "Kappa Architecture" is a term coined by Jay Kreps, one of the senior LinkedIn Architects.