Can you please publish your library to a Maven Central ? I can offer you some help for this
Closed this issue ยท 7 comments
Quote (from a link above):
May 1st | Bintray, JCenter, GoCenter, and ChartCenter services will no longer be available
Further more: it seems that Signal Android app depends on this library (fetched via Bintray):
maven { // textdrawable
url ''
content {
includeGroupByRegex "com\\.amulyakhare.*"
One more note: there is a slim chance that your library is also published to a springio-plugins-release but I will have to do some more research:
Is there a new artifact now?
I was just coming to file a bug about it not resolving due to the bintray shutdown.
However, realistically, this guy hasn't updated this code since 2015, so I think we are SOL.
IMO It's time for the library to fork, and be taken over by another party.
In the mean time, I'm going to make sure I have a fork, and pull the code local.
Trying to update an old project, I also had the issue. what is the best way to import the library?
@dejan2609 I have published a fork of the library to Jitpack for my use. Feel free to use it.
This worked for me, with Jitpack enabled, I've used the commit hash from this repo:
implementation 'com.github.amulyakhare:TextDrawable:558677ea31'
Be sure to have jitpack in your repositories
maven {
url ""
Now let's hope jitpack never shuts down... ๐
(I was unable to go with @ramseth001 's fork as I'm still targetting min SDK 16)
JCenter was closed on August 15th, 2024. Link:
See comments above for solution(s)/workaround(s).
I'll close this issue now.