This light-weight library provides images with letter/text like the Gmail app. It extends the Drawable class thus can be used with existing/custom/network ImageView classes. Also included is a fluent interface for creating drawables and a customizable ColorGenerator.
- 3
Android Gradel Sync Issue.
#86 opened by RobinKumar5986 - 7
Cannot resolve dependency with gradle
#31 opened by TimCastelijns - 0
#84 opened by Jasondavis19886 - 0
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ارسل التفاصيل
#82 opened by youarenot667543 - 6
Can you please publish your library to a Maven Central ? I can offer you some help for this
#80 opened by dejan2609 - 2
does not work with CircleImageView
#74 opened by tranquoctrungcntt - 2
How to use it as BottomNavigationView item??
#73 opened - 0
tt barecodr
#78 opened by Oleksandrzviahin - 1
How to change background and text color same time?
#60 opened by Bekakk - 0
Doesn't work with LayerDrawable
#77 opened by Jide-xy - 1
Random color doesn't work
#71 opened by rodrinac - 2
The letter is missing in the image.
#45 opened by iamtrk - 1
Custom Color not assuming
#70 opened by FilipeOS - 5
- 0
Color Generator Config
#68 opened by palVikas9 - 1
Wont work with Glide...
#63 opened by softmarshmallow - 1
Avatars are not rounded on API 16
#52 opened by TomWayne98 - 1
Please update project SDK 25
#59 opened by webserveis - 0
Cannot resolve .builder()
#67 opened by dfrits - 3
Library is very memory inefficient
#37 opened by afollestad - 0
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Text + textDrawable Image
#61 opened by AhmadullahSaikat - 0
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- 1
This library is not working at all
#48 opened by puneetagarwal - 1
how can we make 2 lines in the TextDrawable ?
#55 opened by gabrielintang - 1
- 0
Please add image support
#54 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 0
\n is not working?
#53 opened by shivam21 - 5
How to set border color?
#39 opened by Kolyall - 1
- 0
- 0
#50 opened by Masterfans - 0
Display in SimpleAdapter in Fragment
#49 opened by rahulsingh8 - 0
drawText emoji not work
#47 opened by chenxinxun - 1
How to convert your drawable to an int resource ?
#38 opened by sekharrockz - 1
Can not be used in the RadioButton?
#46 opened by liangxianshen - 0
- 0
Add support for emojis (Android 5.0 +)
#42 opened by Signoo - 0
How to use layout_gravity="center"
#41 opened by sainipray - 2
please add border background color
#28 opened by alz-ahm - 7
two lines text with different size is possible?
#20 opened by LOG-TAG - 0
change padding around text or crop in the centre
#32 opened by qbait - 0
How to set Color for an Email as a key
#27 opened by sudhanshu79 - 1
The project cannot run on Eclipse
#16 opened by xubuhang - 0
Does not scale with material transitions
#24 opened by PaulWoitaschek - 0
Generate specific group of Color
#23 opened by hadifar - 2
Crashes on AIDE when app starts
#19 opened by jtadiarca - 1