Install expo,
Is a quicker way to start with Expo + Firebase projects. It includes:
- based on Expo SDK
- navigation using
5.x.x - Firebase as backend for email auth
- custom and reusable form components
- handles different field types in forms
- handles server errors using Formik
- Login/Signup form built using Formik & yup
- show/hide Password Field's visibility 👁
- uses Context API & checks user's auth state
- implement Password Reset Screen
- all components are now functional components and use React Hooks
- Create a new project using the firebase starter template.
$ npx create-react-native-app --template
- Rename the file
- Update
with your own configuration, e.g.:
// Rename this file to "firebaseConfig.js" before use
// Replace all Xs with real Firebase API keys
export default {
apiKey: 'XXXX',
authDomain: 'XXXX',
databaseURL: 'XXXX',
projectId: 'XXXX',
storageBucket: 'XXXX',
messagingSenderId: 'XXXX',
appId: 'XXXX'
- Start the project:
yarn ios
-- open on iOSyarn android
-- open on Android
Expo Firebase Starter
├── assets ➡️ All static assets
├── components ➡️ All re-suable UI components for form screens
│ └── Firebase ➡️ Firebase related config directory
│ └── firebaseConfig.js ➡️ Firebase API keys
│ └── firebase.js ➡️ Firebase app initialization & authentication helper methods
│ └── Forms ➡️ Reusable form components
│ └── Form.js ➡️ Reusable Form wrapper to apply Formik
│ └── FormButton.js ➡️ Reusable button component that handles form submit using Formik context hook
│ └── FormErrorMessage.js ➡️ Reusable component to display server errors from Firebase
│ └── FormField.js ➡️ Reusable TextInput component
│ └── AppButton.js ➡️ Button component
│ └── AppTextInput.js ➡️ TextInput component
│ └── IconButton.js ➡️ Button with icon only component
│ └── SafeView.js ➡️ SafeAreaView wrapper component
│ └── Spinner.js ➡️ Loading indicator component
├── hooks ➡️ All custom hook components
│ └── useStatusBar.js ➡️ A custom hook based on @react-navigation library to animate the status bar style changes
├── navigation
│ └── AppStack.js ➡️ Protected routes such as Home screen
│ └── AuthStack.js ➡️ Routes such as Login screen, when the user is not authenticated
│ └── AuthUserProvider.js ➡️ An Auth User Context component that shares Firebase user object when logged-in
│ └── navigationTheme.js ➡️ A default theme for navigation components
│ └── Routes.js ➡️ Switch between Auth and App stacks based on Firebase user logged-in state
├── screens
│ └── ForgotPassword.js ➡️ Forgot Password screen component
│ └── HomeScreen.js ➡️ Protected route/screen component
│ └── LoginScreen.js ➡️ Login screen component
│ └── RegisterScreen.js ➡️ Register screen component
│ └── WelcomeScreen.js ➡️ Initial screen component
├── utils
│ └── colors.js ➡️ Default, reusable values across the app
├── App.js ➡️ Entry Point for Mobile apps
├── app.json ➡️ Expo config file
└── babel.config.js ➡️ Babel config (should be using `babel-preset-expo`)
Main screens:
- Login
- Signup
- Forgot password
Expo uses Firebase Web SDK and does not support all Firebase services such as phone auth. If you are looking forward to use those services, please use react-native-firebase
in a vanilla react native app.
Here is more on what and why Expo cannot support complete Firebase integration
Built by @amanhimself
Happy Coding! 🎉🎉