Gofilter is a Go implementation of the Wireshark display filter for type Message (map[string]interface{}).
Yacc and Ragel are used for filter parser.
go get github.com/kor44/gofilter
eq, == Equal
ne, != Not Equal
gt, > Greater Than
lt, < Less Than
ge, >= Greater than or Equal to
le, <= Less than or Equal to
contains Does the protocol, field or slice contain a value
matches Does the protocol or text string match the given Perl
regular expression
and, && Logical AND
or, || Logical OR
not, ! Logical NOT
Functions to convert strings:
upper(string-field) - converts a string field to uppercase
lower(string-field) - converts a string field to lowercase
The slice operator:
eth.src[0:3] == 00:00:83
Bit field operations:
bitwise_and, & - Bitwise AND
FT_BOOL ftenum = iota // bool
FT_STRING ftenum = iota // string
FT_INT ftenum = iota // int
FT_UINT ftenum = iota // uint
FT_UINT8 ftenum = iota // uint8
FT_UINT16 ftenum = iota // uint16
FT_UINT24 ftenum = iota // uint24
FT_UINT32 ftenum = iota // uint32
FT_UINT64 ftenum = iota // uint64
FT_INT8 ftenum = iota // int8
FT_INT16 ftenum = iota // int16
FT_INT24 ftenum = iota // int24
FT_INT32 ftenum = iota // int32
FT_INT64 ftenum = iota // int64
FT_FLOAT32 ftenum = iota // float32
FT_FLOAT64 ftenum = iota // float64
FT_BYTES ftenum = iota // []byte
FT_IP ftenum = iota // net.IP
FT_MAC ftenum = iota // net.HardwareAddr
package main
import (
func main() {
gofilter.RegisterField("ip.src", gofilter.FT_IP)
gofilter.RegisterField("ip.dst", gofilter.FT_IP)
f, err := gofilter.NewFilter("ip.src == and ip.dst ==")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Filter parse error: %s", err)
msg := gofilter.Message{
"ip.src": net.ParseIP(""),
"ip.dst": net.ParseIP(""),
if f.Apply(msg) {
fmt.Println("Message pass")
} else {
fmt.Println("Message not pass")