
Simple AsyncStorage wrapper for React Native to solve code mess

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple AsyncStorage wrapper for React Native to solve code mess

How to install

npm i react-native-local-storage --save

Why did I build this?

While working on a React Native project, I discovered that AsyncStorage and its async nature was a pain in the bottom. It was also very troublesome to copy the same chunk of code everywhere when we needed to access the storage. Thus, I decided to create a package to solve some of my problems and hopefully someone else's too!


All methods are Promise-based.

  • get(keyName) : Get key(s) from local storage. keyname may be a string or an array.
  • set(keyName, value) : Save value(s) to keyname(s). keyname and value may be a string or an array (both must be the same type).
  • getSet(keyName, callback) : Get a key from local storage and execute callback with the data. callback receives the key and value.
  • getAllKeys() : Get all keys from local storage.
  • merge(keyName, value) : merge value to existing keyname value. keyname and value may be a string or an array (both must be the same type).
  • remove(keyName) : Remove key(s) from local storage. keyname may be a string or an array.
  • clear() : Remove all keys from local storage.


// Save to a key, then immediately fetch it.
var ls = require('react-native-local-storage');

ls.save('name', 'Kobe Bryant')
  .then(() => {
    ls.get('name').then((data) => {console.log("get: ", data)});
    // output should be "get: Kobe Bryant"

getSet : Auto setState feature

Sometimes, it's very annoying to setState separately after grabbing the data from AsyncStorage. Thus, I wrote a quick function that helps you setState automatically after the data is obtained from AS and there's also no need to parse the array of arrays given back by AsyncStorage.

var ls = require('react-native-local-storage');

lsSet(key, val){
  this.setState({[key]: val});

var n = ls.save('name', 'Kobe Bryant');
var a = ls.save('age', 37);
var pn = ls.save('player no.', 24);
Promise.all([n, a, pn]).then(()=>{
  ls.getSet(['name', 'age', 'player no.'], this.lsSet.bind(this))
      // output should be "{name: "Kobe Bryant", age: 37, player no.: 24}"

Storing multiple keys & values

console.log("test for saving an array of objects");

ls.save(['testArray', 'testingArray'], [
  blah1: 1,
  blah2: 2,
  blah3: 'numberrrr 3'
  blah4: 4,
  blah5: 5,
  blah6: 'numberrrr 6'
.then(() => {
  ls.getSet(['testArray', 'testingArray'], this.lsSet.bind(this))
      // output should be "Object {testArray: Object, testingArray: Object}"

Features to be implemented

  • Expand functionalities - neverending process ain't it?
  • Implement setState feature
  • Implement array feature
  • Implement fetch feature
  • Implement encryption feature
  • Implement cache+expiration feature
  • Implement tests using Jest
