title | author |
Adventure Game |
Patrick Hall |
This is a little game framework for making Zelda-style, top-down 2d adventure games.
It is built mostly with Web Components.
I have always wanted to make a language creation game, where you go around trying to — well, different README, because this game framework is only a step in that direction. I need to learn to make a game in this genre. I have tried various times and failed. Hope springs eternal. Let’s go.
My design goals include:
- Make a game that is fun to play.
- Make it possible to easily customize the game.
- Make it possible to easily create new games.
- Learn as much as possible about game development in the process.
Here is the first horrible prototype I built:
As you can see, this game enables:
- Moving around a grid.
- Collision detection.
- Automatically generated islands.
- Randomly placed enemies.
- Randomly placed items.
- A player character.
- Enemy characters.
- Items.
- A game board.
- A game UI.
That’s about it so far.
As they say, throw the first one away. (I will probably throw this README away too.)
Here’s my current hierarchy of components:
- the entry point of the game, initializes everything else.GameUi.js
- this lays out the game interface as instructed by GameManager.GameBoard.js
- the grid, generates a matrix of cells.GameCell.js
- each cell in the grid.
- the controls that the user interacts with. also handles listening for key, etc events.
- represents an enemy, placed on the board by the GameManager.GameItem.js
- represents an item, placed on the board by the GameManager.PlayerCharacter.js
- represents the player, placed on the board at the beginning of the game.
And here’s the responsive visual layout I have in mind: