
An command-line tool for scaffolding doclingjs web components

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I use this deno script to do a very simple scaffold of a new web component. It’s very simple and mostly serves to save me typing — I doubt it will be of interest to others, but have a look if you are interested.

Check the sample-component directory to see what a generated web component looks like.

  • Does not use shadow dom, as I am not a fan.
  • Requires pandoc to be installed to generate HTML documentation (my-component-docs.html) from markdown file my-component-docs.md. The idea is that you only edit the markdown file.


Clone the repository, then:

deno install --allow-write scaffold-component.js

I myself use the --force flag to overwrite earlier versions of the tool.

Install from pathall.net

To install use the following command:

deno install --allow-write --allow-read https://pathall.net/scaffold-component/scaffold-component.js

Deno will automatically follow the dependencies and imports and so forth and install them too. I think.

Install from github

It’s also possible to clone from github, of course:



These examples assume the tool has been installed and that ~/.deno/bin is on your $PATH.

To create a skeleton component called my-component, do:

scaffold-component my-component

The sample component (included in the repo) is called sample-component. To rebuild it if you wish you, you can run this task:

deno task build-sample


There is a deno.json file in the scaffold-component directory itself, which does this:

Available tasks:
- build-sample
    scaffold-component sample-component
- clean
    rm -rf sample-component
- reinstall
    deno install --force --allow-read --allow-write scaffold-component.js

There is also a generated deno.json file which has just one task, building documentation:

Available tasks:
- build
    pandoc -f markdown -t html --css sample-component-docs.css --section-divs --template=template.html -o sample-component-docs.html sample-component-docs.md

Build documentation (requires pandoc)

In the component directory:

deno task build

This will generate <your-component>-docs.html. This way you can work on documentation directly in <your-component>-docs.md without writing HTML by hand.


This repository is released to the public domain.