South London Maker Space Risk Assessments


At South London Maker Space we have many tools, most of which need risk assessments in order to be safely and legally used.

This project contains

  • The master copies of the risk assessements
  • Some scripts for formatting them
  • The outputs until we have a better place

The master copies were made by scripts from the original shared spreadsheet, and are in Markdown format.

The layout of them for use is done into HTML via JSON.

It automatically adds

  • Formatting
  • Images of tool (of same name as filename but .jpg),
  • PPE icons (for a few known kinds)
  • Calculates the risk from the severity-likelihoods
  • Colour codes the risks
  • Labels the tool with the worst pre-control risk

It also makes a summary table so we can read all the hazard tables on a single web page.

The masters are in Markdown because non-technical people need to edit them, most likely at Github online editor.

The Hazard matrix

Part of the script calculates the correct risk from the severity and likelihood of the hazard, according to the table on discourse from 2016-07-25:

Level   Description                      Theoretical   Very Unlikely   Unlikely   May Happen   Likely   Certain
-----   ------------------------------   -----------   -------------   --------   ----------   ------   -------
  0     No injury                           None           None          None        None       None     None
  1     Minor injury                        Low            Low           Low         Low        Medium   High
  2     Significant injury                  Low            Low           Medium      Medium     High     High
  3     Serious injury                      Low            Medium        Medium      High       High     High
  4     Fatality, life-changing injury      Low            Medium        High        High       High     High

If we want to change this, it's a simple change to the code to get all the RAs updated.

Required format

The formatter accepts Markdown but with required headings, and formats the outputs appropriately.

# Tool
Computer Mouse

# Induction

# Activity
* Pointing at objects on screen

# Personal Protective Equipment
* Ear protection

# Procedure
## Before
* Perform a visual inspection of mouse
* Ensure all high voltage is removed

## During
* Keep mouse away from cat at all times

## After
* Ensure mouse poo removed

# Risk
## Hazard

## Who

## Severity/Likelihood
Before 3-3 After 1-1

## Controls
* Seat at correct height

# History
2016-08-01 / jcl: created

Where to put the output files

Ideally we want to put them on, however there are currently some formatting and logistical problems in doing so.

Therefore we have a temporary site at htts://

Edits to the Git hub master pages update the pages at that site automatically (once a minute).

How to remake the output files

If you know about git and want to make a local copy git pull origin master ./doit
