
Small, untethered projects done either for fun or to learn a particular skill.

Primary LanguagePython


Small, untethered projects done either for fun or to learn a particular skill.


An active learner designed to train a classifier between bacterial and placental strains of alkaline phosphatase (AP). Features include substrate concentration and activity (abs/min)

This small project was inspired by my initial interest in utilizing modAL and scikit learn packages and after performing a biorad protein assay on the two alkaline phosphatases.

All data from BioRadAssayData.csv was generated in the Carnegie Mellon University Undergraduate Laboratories under Dr. Carrie Doonan and in association with Puja Dutta.


An trivially small program designed to test for the presence of Lysine in the human proteome. Data utilized from the uniprot database: https://www.uniprot.org/proteomes/UP000005640.

This was created in association with John Minden for a quick-turnaround set of statistics to be used in a grant proposal.


A fun little project I made in association with my friend group's ongoing Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Simulates a boss battle against an enemy and (after 1000 trials) returns predicted turn-duration of the ongoing fight.

Future plans for this project include implementing characters with non-normal probability distributions for rolling attacks, the usage of armor class (AC) statistics, and factoring enemy attacks into simulation