
🛠️ Dev-focused Wordpress - Organized theme structure, Local Dev via Docker, Tech Stack (versions configurable!): PHP8.0, MariaDB(or mysql) 10.6, Ubuntu 20.04LTS, Laravel Mix, TailwindCSS 3 - (includes Webpack, Hot Module Replacement, BrowserSync)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A boilerplate wordpress setup - for developers 🤯, and specifically for self-hosting wordpress.

There's strong opinion and effort to keep wordpress installation separate from custom code, to also version-control the server/code-maintenance related tooling, and to organize theme files with intention and structure. Also ships with Local Development gitsubmodule, if you choose to use it.

💡 Quick Notes:

  • This repository is using the MIT License.
  • Neither Wordpress nor any plugins are included in this repo.
    • You download them and drop them in yourself! (tested with 5.X, 6.0)
  • You can git clone this project at first, but then setup your own tracking and can start with a fresh history
    • Yay for version controlling your wordpress project!
  • If you are using WP Engine, and want a boilerplate and local dev setup for that, well that's coming soon in another repo!

Comes with:

  • Local Dev setup - you can easily alter these (defaults): PHP version (8.0), DB image (mariadb:10.6), Ubuntu (20.04LTS)
  • Theme
    • Structure:
      • Organized templates (php only used for templating),
      • "Controllers" to build data for layouts
      • lib folder - used as includes for very neat functions.php
    • Dev-Tools: laravel mix (webpack abstraction), Hot Module Replacement, BrowserSync, Tailwindcss, Sass



Wordpress Goods

Plugins & Mu-Plugins



Git clone and install DockerLocal submodule for local development

cd <your-code-folder>

git clone git@github.com:amurrell/developer-wordpress.git <your-project-name>
cd commands

Add Latest Wordpress

For more detailed information about adding specific versions of wordpress or upgrading/downgrading - read here, but the quick setup is this:

cd <your-code-folder>

cd html
curl -O -L https://wordpress.org/latest.zip
unzip latest.zip
mv wordpress wp
rm latest.zip

Run Locally with DockerLocal

✋ wait! Have you met requirements for DockerLocal?

cd <your-project-name>/DockerLocal/commands
echo "3042" > ../port
./site-up -c=my_db

# Optionally, for php-version changes
# echo "7.4" > DockerLocal/versions/override-php-version
# and run ./site-up -c=my_db again

Start & Stop

# Turn off DockerLocal
cd DockerLocal/commands

# Turn on DockerLocal

# ssh into web container for some reason
./site-ssh -h=web

# edit DockerLocal config eg env.yml files? Restart

Add your own git repository

# Add your repo
git remote rename origin devwp
git remote add origin git@github.com:<you>/<project-name>.git

Reset the git history

# Clear history with orphan branch
git checkout --orphan temp_branch

# add all the files
git add -A

# your initial commit message
git commit -am "The initial setup of my project, based on developer-wordpress"

# delete original branches
git branch -D master
git branch -D main

# rename your temp_branch
git branch -m main

# if you have an origin main, this will force push, with cleared history
git push -f origin main

Wordpress Goods

Code Structure

The repo consists of some abstraction above the codebase itself, so that one could store server configurations, local development tooling, or other necessities related to maintaining the codebase itself.


Folder(s) Concept
.vscode, .gitmodules Local Development
html wordpress installation + custom code
conf server configurations

Here's the file structure:

- .vscode
    - settings.json
- conf
    - nginx
        - redirects
            - initial.conf
- html
    - wp
    - wp-content
        - themes
            - devwp
        - plugins
        - mu-plugins
        - uploads
    - index.php
    - wp-config.php
- .gitignore
- .gitmodules

Wordpress Installation

Pure wordpress is downloaded (whatever version you want to use) and placed into the project as folder wp. Never edit any of the files in this folder.

- html/wp

The html/index.php and html/wp-config.php have already adjusted the few references needed to run wordpress at wp while also using html/wp-content.

Download / Upgrade

To install your wordpress you just need to:

  1. download the zip from wordpress
  2. unzip it
  3. rename it to wp and place into html (replacing the existing folder)

Or, in the terminal:

cd html
curl -O -L https://wordpress.org/latest.zip
unzip latest.zip
mv wordpress wp
rm latest.zip


Since we installed wordpress platform at wp you will login at:



The wordpress configuration file - often times (in other projects) is not commited to version control because it has environmental variables. This project is different.

The html/wp-config.php file references PHP env vars so that the file can be committed. If you still want to use a wp-config that has custom variables in it, you can put it at conf/wp-config.php.

PHP env vars


This snippet is from html/wp-config

define('DB_NAME', getenv('APP_WP_DB_NAME'));
define('DB_USER', getenv('APP_WP_DB_USER'));
define('DB_PASSWORD', getenv('APP_WP_DB_PASSWORD'));
define('DB_HOST', getenv('APP_WP_DB_HOST'));

DockerLocal Env Vars

If you need to add more variables to use - do:

First, copy env-example.yml which is used to generate env-custom.yml

cd <your-project>
cp DockerLocal/env-example.yml env.yml

We want to maintain all the stuff there, but just append your new vars:

env[MY_VAR]: something
env[ANOTHER_VAR]: 39fh4hjddhfj-made-up

Always restart DockerLocal - this will regenerate env-custom.yml

cd DockerLocal/commands

Custom Code

All the custom code, files, etc that your wordpress project requires should go in html/wp-content.

- wp-content
    - themes
        - devwp
    - plugins
    - mu-plugins
    - uploads

Add plugins, add must-use (mu-plugins) plugins, themes, etc you want to use. Also, you may need to adjust permissions on the uploads folder.


Copy what plugins you want to use into the html/wp-content/plugins folder. It's recommended to use version control and not install via wordpress admin, but do as you wish. You may need to update permissions on your folders if you plan to use wordpress admin to manage your plugin downloads.

Once you have wordpress downloaded, you can copy all the plugins, or just some:

cd html

# copy specific plugin
cp -R wp/wp-content/plugins/akismet wp-content/plugins/

# copy all of them?
cp -R wp/wp-content/plugins/* wp-content/plugins/


The load.php file will loop through all directories in this folder and look for load files that either match the directory name or end in -loader.php


- mu-plugins
    - social-meta-tags
        - social-meta-tags.php
    - bylines
        - bylines-loader.php


Use devwp or you can drop in an existing theme and use your own.

The following documentation is about using the devwp theme, which you may want to use if you are building a site from scratch and really want a different kind of experience than is typical in wordpress development.


This project includes a theme, devwp by default.

If you want to rename this folder - and other instances of this phrasing, then:

  1. Rename the folder - in your edit or terminal:

    cd html
    mv wp-content/themes/devwp wp-content/themes/yourtheme
  2. Edit the comments in style.css to your own project.

        Theme Name: [Rename] Developer Wordpress
        Theme URI:
        Description: [Re-describe] DevWP Custom Theme
        Version: 1
        Author: You??
  3. Please do a search in your editor (eg. vscode) on theme files for devwp/build an replace references with your theme name. There should be 2 files.

  4. Change in wp-config.php this:

    define('WP_DEFAULT_THEME', 'devwp');
  5. And in package.json you may want to change the name:

    "name": "devwp",


💡 Did you know that the only files you need to make a wordpress theme are index.php and style.css?

The index.php is used as a fallback or default to other theme files, so therefore it has to exist. The style.css uses comments to populate the wp-admin with theme information.

The philosophy of the devwp theme is that if you did not code it, then the page should not render. This means we make the index.php return a 404.


// force 404 for things falling back to index.
// create actual templates for everything.
// ie. front-page.php, single.php, page.php, archive.php etc

global $wp_query;

status_header( 404 );
include( get_query_template( '404' ) );

Other Folders

Folder What it is for
src All your logic & html templates
src/controllers We build all the $data needed for pages in here
src/templates html templates; PHP is only used for templating
assets/* We keep all img, js, css in here
build/* We build for dev or for production optimized versions of what's in assets
lib We keep a library of helpful includes to put into functions.php
lib/utils Specific helpful includes in the library are stored here.

Local Development

This project ships with DockerLocal for local development in the form of a gitmodule.

DockerLocal Requirements

  • Linux or Mac*
  • Bash 4+ (MacOS default 3.2.57, needs brew install)
  • Docker-engine**
  • Docker-compose**
    • must downgrade to v1 (in your terminal do, docker-compose disable-v2)

If you are using Docker for Mac aka Docker Desktop, you just need to install that (it includes the above and downgrade docker-compose). Move docker to applications folder, and run the program. You can skip the tutorial.

  • * (not tested w/ windows WSL; tested with ubuntu)
  • ** (Tested Docker Desktop - version 20.10.0, build 7287ab3)

Setup GitSubmodule

If you have initialized this project with git (either from git cloning or from your own tracking), then you can install the .gitmodules.

git submodule update --init --recursive

If you forget this code, you will see you can go to developer-wordpress/commands and ./install-gitmodules

Setup Database

To use DockerLocal, you'll want to read the docs over there, but to keep things simple, all you need to do is:

cd DockerLocal/commands
./site-up -c=your_wp_db_name

Run ^ it again if you get:

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

For more options, like importing an existing database, or switching the PHP / Database versions read the DockerLocal Documentation.

NPM install and Watch

We use nvm to manage the version of nodejs and npm so that we are running on the same setup. You will see .nvmrc files in frontend files as a result.

Install NVM

You will need to install nvm on your computer first.

See if you have it: command -v nvm - nothing? you don't.

If you are on mac or linux, run the following:

wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
# or use
# curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash

. ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
. ~/.profile
. ~/.bashrc

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

command -v nvm

Then in your terminal, navigate to <your-code>/developer-wordpress/html/wp-content/themes/devwp where the .nvmrc file is - and run nvm install

Run npm commands

Go to your theme folder:

cd <your-code>/<your-project>
cd html/wp-content/themes/devwp/

NPM Install & Packages

  • If you want to use defaults - just: npm install

  • Or, if you want to build these tools from scratch you can, but be warned that the configuration may need to change if new versions are out.

    clear out some of the package.json:

    "dependencies": {},
    "devDependencies": {}

    and run the below:

    # npm
    npm install ajv browser-sync browser-sync-webpack-plugin compass compass-sass-mixins jquery sass sass-loader waypoints webpack
    # npm save dev
    npm install -D laravel-mix tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer resolve-url-loader
    npx tailwindcss init
    npx mix

Run / Build

# Run dev (not watching)
# - view @ http://localhost:3042
npm run dev

# Run dev - watch, browser sync
# - view @ http://localhost:3001
npm run watch

# Run dev - hot module replacement, browser sync
# - view @ http://localhost:3001
npm run hot

# Build Production (for commiting and pushing to origin)
# - view @ http://localhost:3042
npm run production

Server Configurations

This folder is for storing custom application or server configuations, like possible nginx redirects, or place a custom wp-config.php that you may wish not to version control.

  • conf/ - You can store a custom conf/wp-config.php - which is currently gitignored
  • conf/nginx or conf/nginx/redirects - you could use this folder to version control necessary nginx configurations or redirects and include them in your web server setup.

Eg. Redirects

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    server_name yoursite.com;
    index index.php index.html;


    include /var/www/yoursite.com/wp/current/conf/nginx/redirects/migrations/*.conf;
    include /var/www/yoursite.com/wp/current/conf/nginx/redirects/company-partners/*.conf;
    include /var/www/yoursite.com/wp/current/conf/nginx/redirects/misc/*.conf;
