
Devember 2017! An attempt to bolster my coding skills and maybe become a creator

Primary LanguagePython


Devember 2017! An attempt to bolster my coding skills and maybe become a creator

I, Andy Murtha, will participate to the next Devember. My Devember will be to learn python programming and attempt to create some small projects I can use in my professional career, as well as personal life. I promise I will program for my Devember for at least an hour, every day of the next December. I will also write a daily public devlog and will make the produced code publicly available on the internet. No matter what, I will keep my promise.



Trying to get some more commits in before the end of the month, while I am out on holiday vacation! Completed the Chapter 9 Lab Exercise. I attempted to use some of the more intermediate (?) class bits, like "kwargs" and read in multiple values from lists, but when I tried out calculate and output, I got errors. Something I think I want to spend some additional time with later to ensure that it works properly.

Went through the following lessons (related to file handling) 1: File Handling - Opening Files 2: File Handling - Reading and Writing Text Files 3: File Handling - Reading and Writing Binary Files


Basically the rails fell of after the snow in Atlanta... Or was it mercury in retrograde? Anyways finally got back on track as of today. Already had Chapter 8 Lab Exercise complete and started on Chapter 9, Classes (worked on it Dec 11 - 12). Finished up the Chapter 9 lectures and examples today!!!

Went through the following lessons (related to Classes) 1: Classes and Objects - Overview 2: Classes and Objects - Class function 3: Classes and Objects - Using Methods 4: Classes and Objects - Using Object Data 5: Classes and Objects - Using Inheritance


Cable and internet finally came back around dinner time today. At least there was lots of time to play in the snow with my 15 month old son this weekend :) Finished the challenge for pre-defined string functions. Ran into my second criticism of the Udemy course I am taking. Part of the solution was using string methods that we have not covered. Now, let me say that my Google Fu is strong, but throughout the course thus far, all challenges have expouded upon information that was provided during the lecture. I would rather learn how to do something than to rely on Google/Stackoverflow.

Went through the following lessons (related to Custom Functions) 1: Functions - Syntax Overview 2: Functions - More on Parameters 3: Functions - More on Return


Power was out all night (thank goodness for gas fireplaces), did not get power back till late in the afternoon. No internet or cable still. Read through some more of "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" on my phone. My wife is now looking for a car so I decided to start building a web scraper for AutoTrader. I am sure this has been done before so I Googled it on my phone and got some inspiration to start coding a solution for this on the local computer. Will git-commit my progress on that this week.


Started working on the Challenge for pre-defined string functions. Got stopped up because of the snow in GA (had to leave work early.) Later in the day, the power went out after I got home, so I was not able to complete the rest of my daily challenge. HOWEVER, I am new to R and I spent most of the time I was at work coding up an analytics solution for one of the projects I am supporting. While not on my goals list (and I can't post work related stuff), I feel like I can still count that as meeting my daily challenge.


Went through the following lessons (related to pre-defined string functions) 1: Using Strings as Objects 2: Splitting and Joining Strings

I was successful with the Challenge for Inputs (2017-12-06 lessons). I did end up looking at the proctor's code as my solution has a boolean value with break statments in my while loop and I felt unsure about it. Sure enough, the proctor had the same thing. However his code was a bit cleaner by combining his conditional statments and having all of his initial prompts within the while loop.


Went through the following lessons (related to input) 1: Input from user 2: Using data input from user

Was not successful with the Challenge for Lists (2017-12-05 lessons), I had to look at solution to get help, as I put a time limit on figuring the solution and I ran out of time. See code comments for notes.


Went through the following lessons (related to lists) 1: Lists, list order, and iterating through lists 2: Modifying Lists 3: Sorting Lists

Completed the Challenge for Loops (2017-12-04), create a Fibonnaci sequence where the loop terminates when Fn > 100


Went through the following lessons (related to loops and flow control) 1: While-Loop 2: For-Loop 3: Try, Except Flow Control 4: Break, Continue and Else Flow Control

Did not get to work on the Challenge for Loops, will incorporate that into my work on 2017-12-05


Started work on the next set of lessons (loops and flow control), got about 15 mintues in, but felt like cheating if I ran a commit on barely any work just to say I missed a day.


Went through the following lesons (related to conditionals): 1: Else-Statements 2: Else-if (Elif) Statements 3: Switch Statements Workaround 4: Inline-if Statements

Also Completed a Conditional Truth Table Challenge from the lessons


Went through the following lessons: 1: Hello World 2: Variables 3: Data Types 4: If-Statements

Read through the following content: 1: Arithmetic Operators 2: Understanding the Order of Operators 3: Comments 4: Variable Scope