
Primary LanguageJava

Word Index


For this coursework, a word indexing program was designed to index the words in text files from a given directory. The program used a map data structure (DT) to store the file name, word, and line number in which the word appeared in the text file. A map based on LinkedList and HashTable data structures were used, and their performance was analyzed and compared. For text files with a small number of words, the performance between both map DT’s were comparable. However, as the words increased the HashTable DT proved to be exponentially more efficient

Design Choices

WordIndex.java This class was modified to hold its switch case within a separate method instead of in the main method. This was done to improve the code readability and introduce private static variables.

WordException.java This class was designed to support both a default error message and a custom error message. The default error message was useful to avoid code duplication.

Entry.java Due to the concept of a word entry being present in both the LinkedList and HashTable map implementations, a separate Entry.java class was created to reduce code duplication. Entry.java allows the retrieval of a word and its positions and supports DEFUNCT, a flag variable used by HashTables.

ListWordMap.java This class implements a map LM based on the Java’s collection framework java.util.LinkedList. All the methods from IWordMap.java were implemented and the class was designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind.

HashWordMap.java This class implements a map HT using an array to act as the table. The class implements all the methods from IWordMap.java, IHashMonitor.java, and additional helper methods. The implementation uses open addressing and double addressing. Once the load factor reaches the max load factor, the table size is doubled to the next prime using helper methods to rehash and get the new capacity.

HashWordMap.java This class uses the DEFUNCT variable from Entry. It was observed that when the capacity reaches a large size like 10000, hashing is slightly faster when the prime number is 109. For this reason, an if condition was added to the hashCode(String s) method and improve the HashTable performance.

Run the program

Choose the target folder

The main method for this program is located in WordIndex.java. The folder from which the text files will be read from can be modified in line 8. Select between TextFiles or TextFiles_Shakespeare to run the program against preloaded data. You can add text files in TextFiles_Examples folder to run the program against your own data.

Choose the commands

The commands will be read from commands.txt. Modify commands.txt with the following supported commands are: addall, add, remove, search, and overview.

addall: add the words from all the text files from the target folder


add: add the words from a specified file

add lec00.txt

remove: remove the words from a specified file name

remove lec00.txt

search: search the top n occurrences a word has in the added text files

search 3 algorithms

overview: get an overview of all the words indexed


Evaluate Performance

The performance between the LinkedList and Hashtable implementations can be evaluated in the test folder. ListWordMapTest.java and HashWordMapTest.java both have a test named 'test10' which inserts and deletes N number of words in the map.

You can uncomment these tests and modify the value of N to check the run time difference. Example evaluation result:

alt text


This project was really fun to design and optimize. The performance difference of the LinkedList and Hashtable becomes truly apparent at extremely large numbers. Try the project out and have fun!