Code for taking measurements from images of an object on top of a calibration pattern.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Camera-as-Scanner: Code for taking measurements from images of an object on top of a calibration pattern.




Comments/Bugs/Problems: amy.tabb@usda.gov

Code for taking measurements from images of an object on top of a calibration pattern.

March 2019.

  • update March 2020.


March 9, 2020. Corrected a miscalculation in aruco-pattern-write-project.cpp and camera_calibration.cpp as it relates to margins. Specifically, specification files with large marker:square ratios end up running off the page in prior versions, and the margin value was not being used correctly. Tested and corrected.

Underlying ideas; how and when to cite this work

Computer vision explanation: This code takes an image of an object on top of an aruco calibration pattern, calibrates the camera using the detected aruco information as well as EXIF tag information, and undistorts and computes the homography from the current location of the aruco calibration pattern in the image to its location in physical space. Then the image is warped to match the coordinate system of the aruco coordinate system, scaled by a user-selected parameter. We abbreviate this method as CAmera aS Scanner, or CASS.

This README file is to accompany code produced by Amy Tabb as a companion to a paper. The paper, currently in pre-print, provides a full protocol to use the code:

Using cameras for precise measurement of two-dimensional plant features: CASS (arXiv)

Paper citation:

	title = {Using cameras for precise measurement of two-dimensional plant features: CASS},
	url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.13187v1},
	urldate = {2019-05-02},
	author = {Tabb, Amy and Holguín, Germán A. and Naegele, Rachel},
	month = apr,
	year = {2019},

Code release citation: Tabb, Amy. (2020). Data and Code from: Using cameras for precise measurement of two-dimensional plant features: CASS (Version v 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3677473

  author       = {Tabb, Amy},
  title        = {{Data and Code from: Using cameras for precise measurement of two-dimensional plant features: CASS}},
  month        = feb,
  year         = 2020,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v 1.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3677473},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3677473}

If you use this code in project that results in a publication, please cite at a minimum the paper above. Otherwise, there are no restrictions in your use of this code. However, no guarantees are expressed or implied.

Docker release

To avoid building the code yourself, a Docker image of this project is available, and the Dockerfile used to generate it is part of this repository.

I suggest using the Docker release to evaluate this code and as a fast way to get started with it, as the code itself runs quickly. If you want to extend or look at the details of the code, you can build it yourself using the instructions and code in this repository.

Install Docker

Install Docker, if you haven't already. I endorse uninstalling old versions if you have them floating around.

Pull the image

The image for CASS is : amytabb/docker-cass.

docker pull amytabb/docker-cass

Run the image

CASS will write the results to disk; to do so with Docker means that we need to mount a portion of your hard drive to a volume in the Docker image.

I used a bind mount below; the Docker image's volume is host_dir and will not change no matter which machine or dataset you run it on. /full/file/path/on/your/machine is the directory that you want the reading and writing to occur.


sudo docker run -v /full/file/path/on/your/machine:/host_dir -it amytabb/docker-cass:latest bash

The bind mount is potentially confusing, so here is an example. Say I have a directory /home/amy/Data/March/ and within March is a directory of images that I want to process with CASS. I also want to write to a directory within /home/amy/Data/March/. So,

sudo docker run -v /home/amy/Data/March:/host_dir -it amytabb/docker-cass:latest bash

Creates a container with all of the libraries and a Ubuntu 18.04 operating system, and bash shell (command line), and may look something like:


but if you take a look at the contents of /host_dir, with ls, they are /home/amy/Data/March/. That's the bind mount magic.

First, suppose we forgot to create the write directory. No problem.

root@f6feb7ce8c31:/host_dir# mkdir write-dir

creates our write directory write-dir.

And from here on out, we issue commands from this Docker container, which is writing to our filesystem. Skip to Running camera-as-scanner executable to get details on how to run the code. The only difference is that ./ is not needed before commands when using the Docker version.


This code uses the OpenCV 4.0, OpenCV 4.0 extra modules, Eigen and is written in C++. It also uses the exiftool executable.

Tested operating system

This code has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04. You are welcome to convert it to Windows, but I have not. While OpenCV is available from distribution repositories, my long experience with it is has always been to build from the source to get the best results.

OpenCV 4

To get the OpenCV 4.xx extra modules to build, our experience is that you need to build both OpenCV and the extra modules together from source. Instructions are here:

OpenCV contributed modules on Github

These libraries need to be installed:

  • opencv_core
  • opencv_imgproc
  • opencv_imgcodecs
  • opencv_aruco
  • opencv_calib3d


exiftool On Ubuntu, install exiftool as follows:

sudo apt-get install exiftool


sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl

To test, make sure that the exiftool can be run from directory where you are setting up the camera-as-scanner project.


To build, you'll also need Cmake. Alternate methods are available, but cmake is faster. On Ubuntu,

sudo apt-get install cmake
  1. Clone the git repository to a desired location..
git clone https://github.com/amy-tabb/CASS.git

Then change to the CASS.

  1. Create a build folder (or something similar), and cd into it: cd build.

  2. Configure with cmake. Don't have cmake? (sudo apt-get install cmake). Then from the build folder, you can use any of the following four options below:

  • cmake ../src (basic)
  • cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src (Release configuration)
  • cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../src (Debug configuration)
  • cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_GENERATE_SOURCE_PROJECT=TRUE ../src/ (Create an Eclipse project to import -- it will be in the build folder)

In case you have installed OpenCV and cmake can't find it, you need to specify the location of OpenCVConfig.cmake. Don't know where it is? Find out with locate OpenCVConfig.cmake. Then append


in my case on one machine, this was:


where /usr/local/opencv41/lib/cmake/opencv4/ is the directory containing OpenCVConfig.cmake. Of course, you will substitute whatever the approrpriate directory returned from locate OpenCVConfig.cmake was.

  1. Then, you can either import the project to Eclipse (if you used the last option), and build from there, or type make. If the everything compiled and linked, and you have two executables named camera-as-scanner and aruco-pattern-write, you are ready to go.

  2. I highly suggest that you download at least one test dataset from Zenodo data release. These datasets are in the format needed for CASS, and you can ensure that everything is correctly configured on your system.

[6.] You can run make install to install this code to your system. However, this is optional. To change the installation directory, add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/preferred/dir to the cmake call, or alter this option in cmake-gui.


If you want to use an alternate to cmake, the camera-as-scanner executable requires Eigen3 (a header-only library) and the following OpenCV libraries:

  • opencv_core, opencv_highgui, opencv_imgproc, opencv_imgcodecs, opencv_calib3d, opencv_aruco.

And OpenCV 4.xx requires a C++11 compiler or higher.

The aruco-pattern-write executable requires the following OpenCV libraries:

  • opencv_core, opencv_imgcodecs, opencv_aruco.

The only file in the source folder needed for the aruco-pattern-write executable is the aruco-pattern-write-project.cpp file. All of the *.cpp and *.hpp files are for the camera-as-scanner executable.

Running camera-as-scanner executable

Provided you're built the project using the provided cmake setup, you will get the camera-as-scanner executable. This program has three mandatory arguments and one optional one. You can see the format by running with the --help flag.

./camera-as-scanner --help

Printing help for camera-as-scanner
--help                        No arguments.  Prints this help information.
--write-inter                 No arguments, write intermediate information.

DIRECTORIES AND PATHS ----------------------- 
--input=[STRING]              Mandatory, has to be a directory.
--output=[STRING]             Mandatory, has to be a directory.
--px-per-mm=[float]           Scaling, number of pixels per millimeter in the result images
TODO -- redo all of this.  

The aguments are :

  • --input = read directory,
  • --output = write directory,
  • --px-per-mm = the scaling factor (number of pixels per millimeter).

Optionally, you can write the intermediate outputs. To do so, add flag --write-iter. Our manuscript explains these items in detail. If you're in a hurry, use 10 for the scaling factor.

An example valid run command is:

./camera-as-scanner --input ../../iphone6 --output ../../iphone6_results --px-per-mm 10 --write-inter

Read directory format, camera-as-scanner

Examples of read and write directories are given within the Zenodo data release repository. A read and write directory is iphone and iphone_results, respectively. A calibration pattern that can be used for printing is iphone/created_template.png, or one can use the companion executable aruco-pattern-write (usage explained below).

  • calibration_object_info.txt contains one line: squarelength 25.5 mm in the examples. To find the correct vaue for squarelength, measure one square on the printed calibration pattern. Edit the file appropriately.

  • sensor_size.txt contains two lines: sensor_width 4.80 mm, sensor_height 3.60 mm. Values for your camera can be found from the manufacturer's website. Note that EXIFtag information is usually not accurate.

  • specification_file.txt contains the information generated from companion executable aruco-pattern-write:

     squaresX 12
     squaresY 15
     squareLength 200
     markerLength 100
     margins 100
     arc_code 11

Note that if you use the pattern from the examples provided in this repository, you can copy the specification_file.txt.

  • images is the directory of image files.

Write directory format, camera-as-scanner

For each image in the images directory, the program will produce the following file, where FILENAME is the original image filename:

  • aruco_detectFILENAME: image with aruco tag detections overlaid (only if the optional intermediate write image file variable is true).
  • undistortedFILENAME: image after undistortion opertion. This is useful to inspect; if the calibration quality is poor, straight lines in reality will not be straight. (only if the optional intermediate write image flag is set --write-inter.)
  • warpedFILENAME: image after applying transformation such that the image's coordinate system represents the calibration pattern's coordinate system, up to a scaling factor (as selected by the user -- last parameter).

Text file results.txt records the scaling factor selected by the user. From this, one can take two-dimensional measurements from the image (under the assumptions of planarity). Say the scaling factor was 5, and a section is 50 pixels wide. Assuming the units were millimeters and the object planar, the object is 10 mm wide.

results.txt also lists the calibration information for each image.

Running aruco-pattern-write executable

The program takes two arguments: a specification file, and a write directory.

Like with camera-as-scanner, you can use --help for formatting:

 ./aruco-pattern-write --help
Printing help for aruco-pattern-write
--help                        No arguments.  Prints this help information.

DIRECTORIES AND PATHS ----------------------- 
--input=[STRING]              Mandatory, has to be a file specifying the pattern.
--output=[STRING]             Mandatory, has to be a directory.


 ./aruco-pattern-write --input ../specification_file.txt  --output ../Test

The directory SampleInput provides a specification file, and SampleOutput has the output from running this executable.

Directory format, input aruco-pattern-write

Within the read directory used as an argument above, you will need to create a text file called specification_file.txt. The example from directory SampleInput is given below.

All of these values can be changed to reflect the wishes of the user, but highly suggest not changing arc_code, which is the code used to generate the dictionary of aruco patterns within OpenCV. Also, squaresX*squaresY< 1000 given that the dictionary we have used is cv::aruco::DICT_6X6_1000.

	squaresX 12
	squaresY 15
	squareLength 200
	markerLength 100
	margins 100
	arc_code 11

Directory format, output aruco-pattern-write

The output of the program is:

  1. one image file, in .png format, of aruco patterns laid out in a grid pattern. The name is determined based on the dimensions of the grid.

  2. one text file called specification_file.txt, that records the values used to create the grid.


Alter the Create() function to output images with different dimensions as well as grids with more, or fewer aruco patterns.