
Swagger + Express = {swagger-express}

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project is to start a localhost that serves APIs routes in multiple projects.

Installation & Quick Start

cd <project path>/examples
npm install
node app.js

To setup a new project

  • Create API files: This is the place you set your APIs logic and Swagger

Refer: ../examples/APIs/meetingRoomsAPIs.js

  • Create Routing file: Set URL for each APIs

Refer: ../examples/meetingRoomsRoutes.js

  • Setup project in app.js
// I have set the APIs under folder './APIs/*' so preferably set your routes under ../example/APIs folder
var mrRoutes =  require('./meetingRoomsRoutes.js');
// Set your new project baseURL so that your APIs started with : <host>/newProject/...
app.use('/meetingRooms', mrRoutes)

  • Start server Make sure you are in example folder.
node app.js

You should see "Express started on port 3000" at your terminal.

Go to browser/POSTMAN to query first API under http://localhost:3000/meetingRooms/users and Voila!


  • You need to add in own host and basePath at the editor if you want to query it straightaway at Swagger editor
  title: SEED APIs
  version: 1.0.0
  description: <descriptions>
swagger: '2.0'
host: 'localhost:3000'   //<<<<<<<<ADD THIS
basePath: /meetingRooms //<<<<<<<<ADD THIS as what you specify in app.js
  • Add edit/add more APIs path for Swagger
var options = {
    swaggerDefinition: {
    apis: ['./APIs/*'], //<<<<< Change this path or add more paths as you want


  1. Express 4: To know more on Express routings and APIs
  2. Swagger Jsdoc: To know more about setting up Swagger in .Js
  3. Swagger specification: For swagger syntax
  4. Swagger Editor: To paste your JSON(from localhost:3000/swagger.json) and edit swagger on live mode

Useful tutorial