
The solution for “Walking knight” problem – how a knight should walk around the chess board, visiting each square exactly once.

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


The solution for “Walking knight” problem – how a knight should walk around the chess board, visiting each square exactly once.

Brute force depth-first search, starting from “A8” position. Mostly intended for Scala/JDK performance benchmarking.

For starting position A8, the solution is:

A8 C7 E8 G7 H5 G3 H1 F2 G4 H6 F5 H4 G2 E1 F3 G5 H7 F6 G8 E7 G6 H8 F7 E5 D3 F4 H3 G1 E2 C1 A2 B4 C6 D8 E6 F8 D7 B8 A6 C5 E4 D2 B1 A3 C4 D6 B7 A5 B3 A1 C2 D4 B5 A7 C8 B6 D5 C3 A4 B2 D1 E3 F1 H2

(C) 2020 Alex Myodov