
Bite-sized JavaScript creations to review fundamentals.

Primary LanguageHTML

Bite-sized JavaScript creations to review fundamentals.

Play musical sounds using your keyboard.

Key concepts: keydown & transitionend events, audio elements, data attributes, flexbox

A minimalistic clock.

Key concepts: SVG transforms, SVG opacity, time, setInterval

Adjust CSS variables using JavaScript.

Key concepts: CSS variables, slider, color picker, filter: blur

Utilize JavaScript array functions to map, filter, sort and reduce.

Key concepts: map, filter, sort, reduce, highlight.js, console.table

Enhance a flexbox gallery with text transitions and transformations.

Key concepts: transform: translateY, flexbox

Fetch remote data and return search results dynamically, as the user enters a query.

Key concepts: fetch, transform: perspective, new RegExp, creative uses of map and replace to create html.

Drawing on an HTML 5 canvas using the mouse.

Key concepts: canvas, programmatic hue, keyboard events.

Hold shift to check a range of checkboxes.

Key concepts: e.shiftKey, checkboxes.

Creating a basic counter web component using vanilla JS.

Key concepts: Classes that extend HTMLElement, shadowDOM, lifecycle methods, properties (in JS) vs. attributes (in HTML).

* Inspired by Wes Bos' #Javascript30 course.