A tool designed for web applications demos.
Make sure to have the following software installed:
- git (2.7.4 +)
- node (9.4.0 +)
- npm (5.7.1 +)
git clone https://github.com/entando/assisted-demo-tool.git
cd assisted-demo-tool
npm install
npm start
In order to make it work, the tool needs a valid configuration JSON.
The URL to get the configuration should be passed in the configUrl
query parameter, e.g.
The schema for the configuration object should be as following:
personas: Array<Object> - a list of personas
(personas items)
id: string - an unique id for the persona
label: string - the persona name
description: string - the persona description (e.g. role)
avatar: string - the persona avatar image URL
hidden: boolean - if true, the persona will be hidden (will appear only in its steps)
url: string - the web page associated to the persona
tabImg: string - the tab image URL
tabName: string - the tab text (if not provided, the tab text will be the persona label)
demos: Array<Object> - one or more demos to be shown
(demos items)
id: string - an unique id for the demo
name: string - the demo name
estimatedTime: number - the demo estimated duration in minutes
personas: Array<String> - a list of the demo personas ids
steps: Array<Object> - the demo steps list
(steps items)
personaId: string - the id of the persona associated to this step
name: string - the step title
trainingContent: string - the HTML content for the step in Training Mode View
presenterContent: string - the HTML content for the step in Presenter Mode View
urlOverrides: Array<Object> - an array defining the URL overrides for this step
(urlOverrides items)
personaId: string - the id of the target persona
url: string - the URL to push in the target persona iframe
newTab: boolean - (default false) if true, opens a new window when applying an override on the current visible persona
highlights: Array<Object> - a list of the demo most important informations
(highlights items)
title: string - the highlight title
text: string - the highlight text