'Kiri Ban' is an old Japanese Internet culture
It means that all numbers except the first one are 0, for example 1000, or all numbers are the same, for example 7777.
This Actions can get the number of PullRequests until the next 'Kiri Ban'.
See action.yml
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: amyu/get-next-kiri-ban@v1
id: kiri
# - run: post to slack, etc...
- if: steps.kiri.outputs.next != ''
run: echo "The number remaining until the next 'Kiri Ban' is ${{ steps.kiri.outputs.next }}"
I would recommend running it in pull_request
or push
event as I definitely don't want to miss a kiri Ban
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License
Contributions are welcome!