
A HTTP based mock server written in Ruby

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Mirage aids testing of your applications by hosting mock responses so that your applications do not have to talk to real endpoints. It's accessible via HTTP and has a RESTful interface.

Any ideas/improvements or feedback you have are greatly appreciated.

Information on how to use Mirage can be found here.

I hope you find it useful,


P.s. Mirage runs on Linux,MacOSX and Windows; Rubies 1.8.7, 1.9 and JRuby.


gem install mirage 

What's New?


What do I get?

1: Configure your client with defaults for each of your responses

Remove the repetition of setting things like the content-type each to time you put a response on to Mirage

Example Usage: (See rdoc for full details)

client = Mirage::Client.new do |defaults|
  defaults.content_type = "text/xml"
  defaults.delay = 0.5

client.put("greeting", "hello") -> template put on to Mirage with a delay of 0.5 seconds and content-type text/xml configured

What do I have to do to upgrade?

Nothing, this is a new feature. Let me know if you have any problems :)


What do I get?

1: Run more than one instance of Mirage per machine.
2: Programmatic interface for starting and stopping Mirage

The client API now includes the ability to start and stop Mirage locally. No more calling out to the command line.

Example Usage: (See rdoc for full details)

mirage_client = Mirage.start :port => 9001 #with out args start mirage on 7001 by default
Mirage.stop # stops the current running instance as long as only one is running  
3: Updated command line interface

Now powered by the mighty Thor, the stop subcommand has been enhanced.

mirage stop -> As it always did, stops the current instances of Mirage as long as there is only one running instance.  
mirage stop -p port -> stops Mirage on a given port.    
mirage stop -p port1, port2... -> stop multiple instances of Mirage.  
mirage stop -p all -> stop all instances of mirage.  

What do I have to do to upgrade?

You shouldn't have to do anything to move from the last version of Mirage to this one. Let me know if something stops working!